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    2. 通过 Kivy 按钮调用不同类中的函数


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                本文介绍了通过 Kivy 按钮调用不同类中的函数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我试图在 kivy 中调用按钮按下时的函数,该函数位于与按钮所在的不同类屏幕中.我也尝试在应用程序类中运行该函数并在那里遇到问题.这是我试图调用的函数所在的类:

                I am trying to call a function on button press in kivy, that is located in a different class screen than the button is located in. I tried running the function in the app class as well and ran into issues there. Here is the class where the function I am trying to call lies:

                # Main screen with button layout
                class LandingScreen(Screen):
                    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
                        super(LandingScreen, self).__init__(**kwargs)
                        self.buttons = [] # add references to all buttons here
                    def ChangePic(self):
                        self.buttons[1].background_normal = 'folder.png'


                And here is the button that I am trying to call it with:

                    name: 'input_sc'
                        size: 800, 480
                        id: anchor_1
                            text: "What would you like to bind to this button?"
                            size_hint: (1,.15)
                            text_size: self.size
                            pos_hint: {'x': 0.11, 'top': 1}
                            font_size: 28
                            font_name: 'Montserrat-Bold.ttf'
                            root: 'landing_sc'
                            id: filebutton
                            size: 150, 150
                            size_hint: None, None
                            background_normal: 'folder.png'
                            background_down: 'opacity.png'
                            pos_hint: {'x': 0.11, 'top': .7}
                                root.manager.transition = FadeTransition()
                                root.manager.transition.duration = 1.5

                我必须在 ChangePic() 前面加上什么前缀才能从这个位置调用它?

                What do I have to prefix ChangePic() with in order to call it from this location?

                或者,有没有一种方法可以从 InputScreen 类内部轻松使用 LandingScreen 类内部的按钮?

                Alternatively- is there a way to easily work with the buttons inside of the LandingScreen class from inside of the InputScreen class?



                你可以在你的 App Class 中创建一个变量:

                You can create a variable in your App Class:

                some_variable = LandingScreen()

                然后在您的按钮中调用 ChangePic(),如下所示:

                and then in your button call ChangePic() like this:

                on_release: app.some_variable.ChangePic()

                此外,这可以帮助您:StackOverflow, Kivy 的 Google 群组,属性简介

                Also, this can help you: StackOverflow, Kivy's Google Group, Introduction to properties

                这篇关于通过 Kivy 按钮调用不同类中的函数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                上一篇:在 Kivy 中动态构建下拉菜单 下一篇:kivy 官方 pong 教程:'NoneType' 对象没有属性 'center'


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