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      Kivy VideoPlayer 全屏、循环和隐藏控件

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                本文介绍了Kivy VideoPlayer 全屏、循环和隐藏控件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我刚开始使用 Kivy,如果我做错了什么,请指出.我正在尝试使用视频播放器.也就是说,我似乎无法让它识别任何选项",我真的很想要一种隐藏控件的方法(以防止用户在电影播放时停止/暂停/更改音量/交互等)运行).

                I'm just starting out with Kivy, so please point out if I'm doing something wrong.. I'm trying to work with the video player. Namely, I can't seem to get it to recognize any "options", and I'd really like a way to hide the controls (to prevent the user from stopping/pausing/changing volume/interacting etc.. while the movie is running).


                import kivy
                from kivy.app import App
                from kivy.uix.videoplayer import VideoPlayer
                class MyApp(App):
                    def build(self):
                        self.player = VideoPlayer(fullscreen=True, allow_fullscreen=True, source='mymovie.mp4', state='play', options={'allow_stretch': True, 'eos': 'loop', 'fullscreen': True})
                if __name__ == '__main__':

                eos: 上面的循环",似乎完全被忽略了.就像全屏"一样.双击播放器不会使其全屏运行.

                eos: 'loop' above, seems to be completely ignored. As does 'fullscreen'. Double clicking the player doesn't cause it to run in full screen.

                我正在 Windows 上进行测试(但希望移植到 android),在后台的控制台"窗口中,我有 2 个警告应该对我有所帮助,但我想我知道的不够多,不知道如何照顾它:

                I'm testing on Windows (but hoping to port to android), and in the "console" window in the background I have 2 warnings that should help me, but I guess I don't know enough to know how to take care of it:

                [WARNING           ] [VideoPlayer ] Cannot switch to fullscreen, window not found.
                [WARNING           ] [VideoPlayer ] Cannot switch to fullscreen, window not found.


                Ideally, I would get it running in fullscreen and would be able to disable the controls (so the user can interact with things using keyboard/touch/timer events/etc.) but I can't find any documentation on how to disable them. Any pointers?


                I've managed to get the window itself to run in fullscreen, but that's not the same thing, I don't think. Thanks!


                我通过使用 kivy.uix.video.Video 而不是 kivy.uix.videoplayer.VideoPlayer.我不知道这是否是我最初应该做的事情(刚刚开始!),但以防万一其他人遇到这个问题,这对我有用:

                I solved my issues by using kivy.uix.video.Video instead of kivy.uix.videoplayer.VideoPlayer. I don't know if that's what I was expected to do in the first place (just starting out!), but just in case someone else has this problem, here's what worked for me:

                import kivy
                from kivy.app import App
                from kivy.uix.video import Video
                class MyApp(App):
                    def build(self):
                        video = Video(source='mymovie.mp4')
                        video.options = {'eos': 'loop'}
                        return video
                if __name__ == '__main__':

                这篇关于Kivy VideoPlayer 全屏、循环和隐藏控件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

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