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      2. 将文本输入保存到 kivy 应用程序中的变量

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                  本文介绍了将文本输入保存到 kivy 应用程序中的变量的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  I am making a text based game, and there is a point at which the game asks the user to input their surname. I have worked out a way to save the name to a file, and load the name from the file, but I do not know how to save the text that has been input into a variable. I have tried various methods i have seen online, but none have worked for me so far. The section of my code in question currently looks like this: (ignore the odd names like customwidget, i was experimenting once and left them like that :P)

                  testing.py 文件:

                  import kivy
                  from kivy.properties import NumericProperty
                  from kivy.app import App
                  from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
                  from kivy.properties import ObjectProperty
                  class CustomWidget(Widget):
                      last_name_text_input = ObjectProperty()
                      ego = NumericProperty(0)
                      surname = ''
                      def submit_surname(self):
                          surname = self.last_name_text_input.text
                  class CustomWidgetApp(App):
                      def build(self):
                          return CustomWidget()
                  customWidget = CustomWidgetApp()

                  customwidget.kv 文件:

                      last_name_text_input: last_name
                          text: "Last Name:"
                          pos: 655,400
                          size: 100, 30
                          id: last_name
                          pos: 760,400
                          size: 100, 30
                          text: "Save Name"
                          pos: 870,400
                          size: 100, 30
                          on_release: root.submit_surname()


                  This creates a screen like this:


                  However, whenever I save the surname value to the file or try to print surname, it comes up with nothing. It would be greatly appreciated if I could recieve some help with this issue. Thanks in advance for any help :)


                  你必须将 surname 声明为 StringProperty.请参考以下示例.

                  You have to declare surname as StringProperty. Please refer to the example below.

                      from kivy.app import App
                      from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
                      from kivy.properties import ObjectProperty, NumericProperty, StringProperty
                      class CustomWidget(Widget):
                          last_name_text_input = ObjectProperty()
                          ego = NumericProperty(0)
                          surname = StringProperty('')
                          def submit_surname(self):
                              self.surname = self.last_name_text_input.text
                              print("Assign surname: {}".format(self.surname))
                              self.surname = ''
                              print("Reset surname: {}".format(self.surname))
                              print("Loaded surname: {}".format(self.surname))
                          def save(self):
                              with open("surname.txt", "w") as fobj:
                          def load(self):
                              with open("surname.txt") as fobj:
                                  for surname in fobj:
                                      self.surname = surname.rstrip()
                      class CustomWidgetApp(App):
                          def build(self):
                              return CustomWidget()
                  if __name__ == "__main__":


                  #:kivy 1.10.0
                      last_name_text_input: last_name
                          text: "Last Name:"
                          pos: 655,400
                          size: 100, 30
                          id: last_name
                          pos: 760,400
                          size: 100, 30
                          text: "Save Name"
                          pos: 870,400
                          size: 100, 30
                          on_release: root.submit_surname()


                  这篇关于将文本输入保存到 kivy 应用程序中的变量的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:Scatter 大小和位置的问题 下一篇:Python kivy 入口点 inflateRest2 无法定位 libpng16-16.dll


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