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      在 Kivy 中动态构建下拉菜单

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                本文介绍了在 Kivy 中动态构建下拉菜单的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我想根据类的字典属性在 kivy 中创建下拉列表.但是在循环中创建这些东西要么让 Kivy 感到困惑,要么让我感到困惑.这是我所拥有的:

                I'd like to create dropdown-lists in kivy based on a dictionary property of a class. But something about creating these in a loop is either confusing Kivy or I am just confused. Here's what I have:

                for main, ingrediants in self.ingrediants.items():
                    print main, ingrediants
                    dropdown = DropDown()
                    for ingrediant in ingrediants:
                        btn = Button(text=ingrediant, size_hint_y=None, height=44)
                        btn.bind(on_release=lambda btn: dropdown.select(btn.text))
                    trigger = Button(text=main, size_hint=(None, None))
                    dropdown.bind(on_select=lambda instance, x: setattr(trigger, 'text', x))


                ingrediants = DictProperty(
                        'Milk': ['Whole Milk', 'Soy', 'Creamer'],
                        'Coffee': ['Drip Coffee', 'Espresso', 'Pour Over'],
                        'Sugar': ['Sugar', 'Simple Syrup', 'Raw Sugar'],


                When this renders, the dropdown bar looks correct, three buttons, BUT, the milk one does not trigger a dropdown, the coffee one triggers it's dropdown, but when selected, changes the sugar button's text, and the third button works normally, triggering a dropdown and changing the buttons text on selection.


                I feel like I'm just doing something wrong with my loop. But maybe you can't declare dropdowns like this? Thanks.


                Here's what I had to do to get it working.

                dropdowns = {}
                for main, ingrediants in self.ingrediants.iteritems():
                    dropdowns[main] = DropDown()
                    for ingrediant in ingrediants:
                        btn = Button(text=ingrediant, size_hint_y=None, height=44)
                        btn.bind(on_release=lambda btn=btn, dropdown=dropdowns[main]: dropdown.select(btn.text))
                    trigger = Button(text=main, size_hint=(None, 1))
                    dropdowns[main].bind(on_select=lambda instance, x, trigger=trigger: setattr(trigger, 'text', x))


                我很确定您的问题主要与 lambda 函数在 for 循环中的行为方式有关.例如,您可以查看 this 上一个问题以获取有关原因的信息 - 简短回答,每个 lambda接收相同的变量,所以只有那个变量(最后一个下拉菜单)做任何事情.

                I'm pretty sure your problems are mostly to do with the way lambda functions behave in for loops. You can see for instance this previous question for information on why - short answer, every lambda receives the same variable, so only that variable (the last dropdown) does anything.


                I didn't have time to create a working example (it's fiddly, and you didn't provide an initial working example), but I'll try to make one later if this isn't enough for you to fix the issue.

                我也遇到了下拉菜单不起作用的问题,但我认为这是因为您没有存储对它们的引用,因此它们会被垃圾收集.我添加了 dropdowns = ListProperty([])self.dropdowns.append(dropdown) 来保留引用,从而解决了它们不出现的问题.

                I also had a problem with dropdowns not working, but I think that's because you don't store references to them so they get garbage collected. I added dropdowns = ListProperty([]) and self.dropdowns.append(dropdown) to keep references around, which solved the problem of them not appearing.

                这篇关于在 Kivy 中动态构建下拉菜单的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                上一篇:Python kivy 入口点 inflateRest2 无法定位 libpng16-16.dll 下一篇:通过 Kivy 按钮调用不同类中的函数


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