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        Cocos2D 复杂动画


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                  本文介绍了Cocos2D 复杂动画的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在使用 Cocos2D 将我的游戏从 Flash 移植到 iOS.我现在有一个工作版本,我很高兴我可以用 cocos 来计算.但是,我似乎偶然发现了一个小问题.在开发过程中,我要求我的艺术家给我动画集,我只是将它们称为资产.

                  I am in the middle of a process of porting my game from Flash to iOS, using Cocos2D. I have a working version now and I am glad I could count with cocos for this. However, i seem to have stumbled upon a small issue. During the development process, I ask my artists to give me the animations set and i just call them as if they were assets.

                  我在 Cocos 上看到过动画使用的例子,但我只看到过代码创建的动画.此外,在我的游戏中,我们使用由多个部分组成的动画.例如,一个角色会将他的腿作为与他的身体不同的图像,然后动画将根据身体放置这些图像并排列它们.看到 Cocos2D 的例子,我对 Grossini 动画抱有希望,但后来我看到 spritesheet 将整个帧作为一个图像.

                  I have seen examples of animation usage on Cocos, but I have only seen animations created by code. Furthermore, in my game we use animations that are composed of several parts. For example, a character would have his legs as different images than his body, and the animation would then place said images in accordance to the body and arrange them. Seeing Cocos2D's examples i was hopeful about the grossini animation, but then i saw the spritesheet had the whole frame as one image.

                  我觉得这是一种非常老派的动画制作方式,因为艺术家应该比我更好地制作动画,混合几张图像.另外,添加大约 5 行代码只是为了显示动画(我们有很多 em),这似乎不是最佳选择.

                  I feel like this is a very oldschool way of animating, as artists are supposed to animate a bit better than i can, mixing several images. Plus, adding some 5 lines of code more just so it can display an animation (we have a lot of em), seems to be sub-optimum.

                  是否有工具或示例可以指导我实现这种复杂的动画?是我对 cocos 的要求太多了还是有更多的开发者/艺术家在这个问题上?

                  Is there a tool or examples to guide me on implementing this kinds of complex animations? Am I asking for too much out of cocos or are there more developers/artists on this issue?



                  • 工具 - 从 Adobe Flash 导出时间轴动画并导入为 Cocos2d Actions

                  • [AnimationKit] 动画管理框架
                  • iOS-Animation-Kit
                  • SWFSheet - 从 SWF 创建精灵表
                  • SWFSheet 1.1 最终版

                  这篇关于Cocos2D 复杂动画的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:如何在 cocos2d 中填充纹理? 下一篇:沙盒游戏中心回合事件通知不一致


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