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        为什么 xcode 归档成功但创建一个空的 .xcarchive 文件?

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                  本文介绍了为什么 xcode 归档成功但创建一个空的 .xcarchive 文件?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!




                  I have an application I'm trying to archive and submit to the app store for approval. Part of the process requires the archive to be prepared and loaded using application loader. I used product-> archive and it prompts archive succeeded but it does not appear on the Organizer -> Archive tab.


                  1 个应用目标,AppName"

                  1 app target, "AppName"

                  1个静态库,cocos2d库(cocos2d v0.99.5-rc1)

                  1 static library, cocos2d libraries (cocos2d v0.99.5-rc1)

                  Xcode 版本 4.0.2

                  Xcode Version 4.0.2



                  Setting "Skip Install" to "No":

                  1. 项目
                  2. 应用名称目标
                  3. cocos2d 库

                  在三个上设置跳过安装允许我构建存档并在组织者上显示(非空 xcarchive).但是,当我尝试验证时,它会提示:

                  Setting skip install on the three allows me the archive to be built and show up(non-empty xcarchive) on the organizer. However, when I try to validate, it'll prompt:


                  "AppName" does not contain a single–bundle application or contains multiple products. Please select another archive, or adjust your scheme to create a single–bundle application.

                  我检查了存档包内容是否包含目录产品"中的 cocos2d 库.根据一些帖子和 cocos2d 论坛,我们不应该将其作为二进制文件的一部分提交以供批准.

                  I checked that the archive package contents include the cocos2d libraries within a directory "Products". According to some posts and the cocos2d forum, we're not supposed to submit that as part of the binary for approval.

                  实现零 KB .xcarchive 的步骤

                  由于不应包含静态 cocos2d 库库,我已将 cocos2d 库目标更改为跳过安装:是".现在,如果我归档项目,它会提示构建成功,但它会创建一个空的 .xcarchive 文件,在管理器->归档选项卡上看不到该文件.

                  Since the static cocos2d libraries library should not to be included, I've changed the cocos2d libraries target to have skip install: "Yes". Now, if I archive the project it prompts build succeeded but it creates an empty .xcarchive file that cannot be seen on the organizer->archives tab.



                  I have the solution to my problem and if anyone else is facing the same problem here are the steps i took to fix the problem.

                  cocos2d 库

                  -将你的 cocos2d 库中的所有配置的跳过安装设置为 YES.

                  -Set the skip install to YES for all configurations in your cocos2d library.


                  -Set the code signing identity to Don't code sign for all configurations. Static libraries are not code signed.


                  -Update the installation directory to /usr/local/lib.



                  -Update the installation build products location to /tmp/$(PROJECT_NAME).dst

                  -更新安装目录为$(LOCAL_APPS_DIR) (/Applications).

                  -Update the installation directory to $(LOCAL_APPS_DIR) (/Applications).


                  -Update the code signing identity section.

                  这篇关于为什么 xcode 归档成功但创建一个空的 .xcarchive 文件?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:在 Cocos2d-iPhone 中围绕圆周移动精灵 下一篇:观看 Game Center 屏幕(排行榜、成就)时,如果在 iOS7 中后台运行 cocos2d 2.1 应用程序会崩


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