Using CCTouchDispatcher Cocos2d 2.0 Beta-2 ARC(使用 CCTouchDispatcher Cocos2d 2.0 Beta-2 ARC)
Cocos2D Gravity?(Cocos2D 重力?)
Sandbox Game Center Turn Event Notifications Not Consistent(沙盒游戏中心回合事件通知不一致)
Cocos2D complex animations(Cocos2D 复杂动画)
How to fill texture in cocos2d?(如何在 cocos2d 中填充纹理?)
Cocos2d portrait mode not working on iPhone(Cocos2d 人像模式在 iPhone 上不起作用)
Multiple Gestures for UIGestureRecognizers (iPhone, Cocos2d)(UIGestureRecognizers (iPhone, Cocos2d) 的多种手势)
Crash if backgrounding cocos2d 2.1 app in iOS7 while watching Game Center screens (leaderboard, achievement)(观看 Game C
Why does xcode archive succeed but create an empty .xcarchive file?(为什么 xcode 归档成功但创建一个空的 .xcarchive 文件?
Moving a sprite around the circumference of a circle in Cocos2d-iPhone(在 Cocos2d-iPhone 中围绕圆周移动精灵)
Cocos2d iPhone Non-Rectangular Sprite Touch Detection(Cocos2d iPhone 非矩形精灵触摸检测)
Multi-touch detecting amp; differentiating - Cocos2d for iPhone(多点触控检测差异化 - Cocos2d for iPhone)