


我有一个学校作业,其中一项任务是解释许多微小的计算,并解释为什么 java 给你它给你的输出..

I have an assignment for school, and one of the tasks is to explain a lot of tiny calculations and explaining why java gives you the output it gives you..


1 + '2' + 3

1 + '2' + 3

这对我来说是一个词汇错误,因为老师为我的系统使用了错误的撇号",但我已经和其他同学交谈过,他们告诉我他们得到了一个实际的输出,所以我开始阅读它,并发现它应该表示一个 char 变量,并且我还发现了系统特定类型,所以我更改了符号以适用于我的系统,现在我得到了答案 54..

which for me gives a lexical error, as the teacher used the wrong "apostrophes" for my system, but I've talked to other fellow students and they told me they got an actual output, so I started reading about it, and found out that it is supposed to signify a char variable, and I also found out about the system specific types, so I changed the signs to work for my system, and now I get the answer 54..

我看不到其中的逻辑,我尝试用 char 变量在 Google 上添加/计算/数学,但没有找到任何可以很好地解释它的东西..

and I cannot see the logic in it, and I've tried to google adding/calculating/math with char variables, and have found nothing that explains it well..


So I turn to you, the people of coding, that I one day might be a part of to help me understand the logic of this..


this started out as a homework assignment that I probably could have gotten through by just answering that it gives a lexical error because my compiler doesn't understand the symbol, but now it's peaked my curiosity, and I really want to know how java manages to get this answer..


thank you for any help on the matter! :)


I can see that I couldn't make a 'homework' tag, so I hope it's okay that I put it here :)


在 Java 中,chars 可以通过 UTF-16 直接映射到 ints.但是,对于大多数常见字符,将 char 值转换为 int 会在 ascii 表中生成它的索引.+ 不是对字符的操作,而是对整数的操作.因此,java 采用 2 并在思考我无法添加这个"之后,意识到如果将其强制转换为 int,它可以添加它.

In Java, chars have a direct mapping to ints by UTF-16. For most common characters, though, casting a char value to an int yields its index on the ascii table. + isn't an operation on chars, but it is an operation for ints. Therefore, java is taking the 2 and after thinking "I can't add this", realizes it can add it if it casts it to an int.

正如您在表中看到的,2"的索引为 50,因此 1 + 50 + 3 = 54.

As you can see in the table, '2' has a index of 50, thus 1 + 50 + 3 = 54.


上一篇:字符串不能改变.但是int、char可以改变 下一篇:如何在 Java 中生成随机字符串
