Java - 为什么 char 不应该被隐式转换为字节(和短)原语?

本文介绍了Java - 为什么 char 不应该被隐式转换为字节(和短)原语?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


编译器的某些功能让我感到困惑(使用 Eclipse 的 Oracle JDK 1.7).

Certain functionality of the compiler puzzles me (Oracle JDK 1.7 using Eclipse).

所以我有这本书说 char 原语需要显式转换为 short 和 byte,这一切都是有道理的,因为数据类型的允许范围不重叠.

So I've got this book that says char primitive needs to be explicitly cast to short and byte and this all makes sense due the data types' allowed ranges don't overlap.


In other words below code works (but wouldn't work without the explicit type casts):

char c = '&';  
byte b = (byte)c;
short s = (short)c;

打印 b 或 s 正确显示数字 38,它是 Unicode 中 (&) 的数字等价物.

Printing b or s correctly displays the number 38, which is the numeric equivalent of (&) in Unicode.


byte bc = '&';
short sc = '&';
System.out.println(bc); // Correctly displays number 38 on the console
System.out.println(sc); // Correctly displays number 38 on the console


Now I would certainly understand the following (which works too):

byte bt = (byte)'&';
System.out.println(bt); // Correctly displays number 38 on the console


But this no-compiler-warning char to byte (and short) "sneak conversion" doesn't seem right to me.


原因可能在于 '<char>' 本身的解释,因此它实际上不会进入 char 原始状态,而是作为数字(八进制或十六进制等)值?

Could the reason be in the interpretation of the '<char>' itself, so that it doesn't actually ever get to a char primitive state but is handled as a numeric (octal or hexadecimal etc) value?



另外,如果表达式是一个常量表达式(§15.28)输入 byte、short、char 或 int:

In addition, if the expression is a constant expression (§15.28) of type byte, short, char, or int:

如果类型为变量是 byte、short 或 char,以及常量的值表达式可以用变量的类型来表示.

A narrowing primitive conversion may be used if the type of the variable is byte, short, or char, and the value of the constant expression is representable in the type of the variable.

您的 '&' 正是 byte、short、char 或 int 类型的常量表达式".

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上一篇:Java中的递增字符类型 下一篇:字符串不能改变.但是int、char可以改变
