


刚才我读到char 是 Java 中唯一的无符号整数原始类型".这是否意味着 char 是 Java 中的整数类型之一?

Just now I read "char is the only unsigned integral primitive type in Java." Does this mean the char is one of the integral types in Java?


Same as in C, recently I have read that C types includes scalar types, function types, union types, aggregate types, and scalar types include pointer types and arithmetic types, then arithmetic types include integral types and floating-point types, the integral types include enumerated types and character types.

char 类型真的可以在 Java 和 C 中都归类为整数吗?

Can the char type really be categorized as a integer both in Java and C?


是的,char 在它出现的所有流行语言中都是一个整数类型.积分"意味着它的光谱是离散的,并且任何两个不同值之间的最小差异是1.与其他整数类型相比,所需的支持值范围通常非常小.计算机硬件传统上将整数视为基本数据类型;相比之下,算术浮点类型是一种更新且更复杂的添加.

Yes, a char is an integral type in all the popular languages in which it appears. "Integral" means that its spectrum is discrete and the smallest difference between any two distinct values is 1. The required range of supported values is usually quite small compared to that of other integral types. Computer hardware traditionally treats integers as the fundamental data type; by contrast, arithmetic floating-point types are a more recent and more complicated addition.


上一篇:在不使用正则表达式的情况下,判断一个字符是 Java 中的字母还是数字的最佳方法是什么? 下一篇:如何检查字符是否为元音?
