


这段 Java 代码给我带来了麻烦:

This Java code is giving me trouble:

    String word = <Uses an input>
    int y = 3;
    char z;
    do {
        z = word.charAt(y);
         if (z!='a' || z!='e' || z!='i' || z!='o' || z!='u')) {
            for (int i = 0; i==y; i++) {
                wordT  = wordT + word.charAt(i);
                } break;
    } while(true);


I want to check if the third letter of word is a non-vowel, and if it is I want it to return the non-vowel and any characters preceding it. If it is a vowel, it checks the next letter in the string, if it's also a vowel then it checks the next one until it finds a non-vowel.


word = Jaemeas 然后 wordT 必须 = Jaem

word = Jaemeas then wordT must = Jaem

示例 2:

word=Jaeoimus 然后 wordT 必须 =Jaeoim

word=Jaeoimus then wordT must =Jaeoim

问题在于我的 if 语句,我不知道如何让它检查那一行中的所有元音.

The problem is with my if statement, I can't figure out how to make it check all the vowels in that one line.



Your condition is flawed. Think about the simpler version

z != 'a' || z != 'e'

如果 z'a' 则后半部分为真,因为 z 不是 'e' (即整个条件为真),如果 z'e' 则前半部分为真,因为 z 不是 'a' (同样,整个条件为真).当然,如果 z 既不是 'a' 也不是 'e' 那么这两个部分都为真.也就是说,你的条件永远不会是假的!

If z is 'a' then the second half will be true since z is not 'e' (i.e. the whole condition is true), and if z is 'e' then the first half will be true since z is not 'a' (again, whole condition true). Of course, if z is neither 'a' nor 'e' then both parts will be true. In other words, your condition will never be false!

你可能想要 && 代替:

z != 'a' && z != 'e' && ...


"aeiou".indexOf(z) < 0


上一篇:char类型可以归类为整数吗? 下一篇:如何在 Java 中将 char 转换为 int?
