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      多个但互斥的外键 - 这是要走的路吗?


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              1. 本文介绍了多个但互斥的外键 - 这是要走的路吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                I have three tables: Users, Companies and Websites. Users and companies have websites, and thus each user record has a foreign key into the Websites table. Also, each company record has a foreign key into the Websites table.

                现在我想将网站表中的外键包含回它们各自的父"记录中.我怎么做?每个网站记录中是否应该有两个外键,其中一个始终为 NULL?或者还有别的方法吗?

                Now I want to include foreign keys in the Websites table back into their respective "parent" records. How do I do that? Should I have two foreign keys in each website record, with one of them always NULL? Or is there another way to go?



                If we look into the model here, we will see the following:

                1. 一个用户只与一个网站相关
                  • 一家公司只与一个网站相关
                  • 一个网站只与一个用户或公司相关

                第三个关系意味着存在一个用户或公司"实体,其PRIMARY KEY 应该存储在某处.

                The third relation implies existence of a "user or company" entity whose PRIMARY KEY should be stored somewhere.

                要存储它,您需要创建一个表来存储 website owner 实体的 PRIMARY KEY.该表还可以存储用户和网站共有的属性.

                To store it you need to create a table that would store a PRIMARY KEY of a website owner entity. This table can also store attributes common for a user and a website.


                Since it's a one-to-one relation, website attributes can be stored in this table too.


                The attributes not shared by users and companies should be stored in the separate table.

                要强制建立正确的关系,您需要将 websitePRIMARY KEYowner type 复合作为其中的一部分,并使用 CHECK 约束强制子表中的正确类型:

                To force the correct relationships, you need to make the PRIMARY KEY of the website composite with owner type as a part of it, and force the correct type in the child tables with a CHECK constraint:

                CREATE TABLE website_owner (
                    type INT NOT NULL,
                    id INT NOT NULL,
                    CHECK (type IN (1, 2)) -- 1 for user, 2 for company
                    PRIMARY KEY (type, id)
                CREATE TABLE user (
                    type INT NOT NULL,
                    id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
                    CHECK (type = 1),
                    FOREIGN KEY (type, id) REFERENCES website_owner
                CREATE TABLE company (
                    type INT NOT NULL,
                    id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
                    CHECK (type = 2),
                    FOREIGN KEY (type, id) REFERENCES website_owner

                这篇关于多个但互斥的外键 - 这是要走的路吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                上一篇:如何在 MySQL 中强制执行唯一约束? 下一篇:SELECT 查询是否总是以相同的顺序返回行?带有聚集索引的表


                <i id='n60Wg'><tr id='n60Wg'><dt id='n60Wg'><q id='n60Wg'><span id='n60Wg'><b id='n60Wg'><form id='n60Wg'><ins id='n60Wg'></ins><ul id='n60Wg'></ul><sub id='n60Wg'></sub></form><legend id='n60Wg'></legend><bdo id='n60Wg'><pre id='n60Wg'><center id='n60Wg'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='n60Wg'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='n60Wg'><tfoot id='n60Wg'></tfoot><dl id='n60Wg'><fieldset id='n60Wg'></fieldset></dl></div>
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