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      1. MySQL SELECT 按组最频繁


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                  本文介绍了MySQL SELECT 按组最频繁的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  如何获取 MySQL 中每个标签最常出现的类别?理想情况下,我想模拟一个聚合函数来计算 mode列.

                  How do I get the most frequently occurring category for each tag in MySQL? Ideally, I would want to simulate an aggregate function that would calculate the mode of a column.

                    , s.category 
                  FROM tags t 
                  LEFT JOIN stuff s 
                  USING (id) 
                  ORDER BY tag;
                  | tag              | category |
                  | automotive       |        8 |
                  | ba               |        8 |
                  | bamboo           |        8 |
                  | bamboo           |        8 |
                  | bamboo           |        8 |
                  | bamboo           |        8 |
                  | bamboo           |        8 |
                  | bamboo           |       10 |
                  | bamboo           |        8 |
                  | bamboo           |        9 |
                  | bamboo           |        8 |
                  | bamboo           |       10 |
                  | bamboo           |        8 |
                  | bamboo           |        9 |
                  | bamboo           |        8 |
                  | banana tree      |        8 |
                  | banana tree      |        8 |
                  | banana tree      |        8 |
                  | banana tree      |        8 |
                  | bath             |        9 |


                  SELECT t1.*
                  FROM (SELECT tag, category, COUNT(*) AS count
                        FROM tags INNER JOIN stuff USING (id)
                        GROUP BY tag, category) t1
                  LEFT OUTER JOIN 
                       (SELECT tag, category, COUNT(*) AS count
                        FROM tags INNER JOIN stuff USING (id)
                        GROUP BY tag, category) t2
                    ON (t1.tag = t2.tag AND (t1.count < t2.count 
                        OR t1.count = t2.count AND t1.category < t2.category))
                  WHERE t2.tag IS NULL
                  ORDER BY t1.count DESC;


                  我同意这对于单个 SQL 查询来说太过分了.任何在子查询中使用 GROUP BY 都会让我畏缩.您可以使用视图使其看起来更简单:

                  I agree this is kind of too much for a single SQL query. Any use of GROUP BY inside a subquery makes me wince. You can make it look simpler by using views:

                  CREATE VIEW count_per_category AS
                      SELECT tag, category, COUNT(*) AS count
                      FROM tags INNER JOIN stuff USING (id)
                      GROUP BY tag, category;
                  SELECT t1.*
                  FROM count_per_category t1
                  LEFT OUTER JOIN count_per_category t2
                    ON (t1.tag = t2.tag AND (t1.count < t2.count 
                        OR t1.count = t2.count AND t1.category < t2.category))
                  WHERE t2.tag IS NULL
                  ORDER BY t1.count DESC;


                  But it's basically doing the same work behind the scenes.


                  You comment that you could do a similar operation easily in application code. So why don't you do that? Do the simpler query to get the counts per category:

                  SELECT tag, category, COUNT(*) AS count
                  FROM tags INNER JOIN stuff USING (id)
                  GROUP BY tag, category;


                  And sort through the result in application code.

                  这篇关于MySQL SELECT 按组最频繁的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:在 Group By 查询中包含缺失的月份 下一篇:MySQL groupwise MAX() 返回意外结果


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