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      Laravel - Bootstrap Javascript 与 Chart.js 的冲突

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                本文介绍了Laravel - Bootstrap Javascript 与 Chart.js 的冲突的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                Bootstrap 的 Javascript(对于 modalsaccordion 和其他动画)与我的 Chart.js 有冲突.

                Bootstrap's Javascript (For modals, accordion, and other animations) has conflict for my Chart.js.

                这是 cdn 链接,我使用的是缩小版.(Chart.min.js)

                Here's the cdn link, I used the minified version. (Chart.min.js)

                如果这有帮助,我会为图表显示我的 script:

                If this helps, I'll show my script for the chart:

                <script src="{{ asset('js/Chart.min.js') }}"></script>
                    let myChart = document.getElementById('myChart').getContext('2d');
                    let massPopChart = new Chart(myChart, {
                        responsive: true,
                            labels:['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'],
                                backgroundColor: 'rgba(129, 207, 238, 1)',
                                borderWidth: 1,
                                borderColor: '#000',
                                hoverBorderWidth: 3,
                                hoverBorderColor: '#000'
                            scales: {
                                yAxes: [{
                                    ticks: {
                                        beginAtZero: true,
                                display: true,
                                text: 'Weekly Sales',
                                fontSize: 25
                                padding: 50,

                这是一个具有默认值(用于测试)的折线图.图表在一瞬间消失,正因为如此.我知道这是因为 Bootstrap 的 javascript.

                It's a line chart that has a default value (for testing). The chart disappears after a split second, and because of this. I knew that it was because of the Bootstrap's javascript.

                每当我起飞,或 comment 为 Bootstrap 的 javascript 标记 script 时,图表显示完全没有问题.但我的 modal 和其他 animations 现在不起作用.

                Whenever I take off, or comment out the script tag for the Bootstrap's javascript, the chart shows with no problem at all. But my modal and other animations doesn't work now.


                I somehow want both of them to work, because I need them both.


                这可能是我遇到过的最令人沮丧的(错误/功能/问题),让我卡了几天,但因为我的老板没有不接受答案,我讨厌放弃,我终于设法解决了.答案让我想到了一些我从不知道的 html 和 javascript:

                This may be the most frustrating (bug/feature/problem) I have ever come accross and got me stuck for a few days, but because my boss doesn't take no for an answer and I hate giving up, I finally managed to solve it. The answer thought me something about html and javascript I never knew:

                在 html 文件的 <head></head> 中,您需要将引导调用的方式更改为 app.js:

                In the <head></head> of your html file you need to change the way bootstrap call's it's app.js from this:

                <script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}" defer></script>


                <script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}"></script>

                注意缺少的 defer 标签.

                您可能想知道,defer 标签有什么作用?为了回答这个问题,我给你这个小片段:

                You may be wondering, what does the defer tag do? And to answer that I give you this small snippet:

                  <script src="https://www.w3schools.com/tags/demo_defer.js" defer></script>
                  <p id="p1">
                    Hello World!


                It simply stops the browser from loading/running the script until the site has been completely parsed. In the above example the script we call contains the following code:


                基本上告诉您的浏览器发送一个警报,其中包含 p 标签内的任何内容.如果没有 defer 标签,脚本会失败,因为它会在浏览器解析 p 标签之前运行,而 javascript 只能处理浏览器已经解析的内容.

                Basically telling your browser to send an alert with the contents of whatever is inside the p tags. Without the defer tag, the script would fail because it would be run before the p tags get parsed by the browser, and javascript can only work with what the browser already parsed.

                据我发现,删除 defer 标签并不会破坏引导程序中的任何内容,所以我不知道为什么它甚至还有一个 defer 标签.

                As far as I found, removing the defer tag doesn't break anything in bootstrap, so I don't know why it even has a defer tag.

                我也不太清楚为什么这对 chart.js 来说是个问题,如果有人知道我很想听听.

                I'm also not quite sure why this would be a problem for chart.js, If anyone knows I would love to hear it.

                这篇关于Laravel - Bootstrap Javascript 与 Chart.js 的冲突的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                上一篇:在调整窗口大小之前,ChartJS 不会在引导选项卡内绘制图形 下一篇:如何在 ChartJS 中创建自定义图例


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