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      1. Chart.js PolarArea 图表.将标签更改为 45 度角

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                  本文介绍了Chart.js PolarArea 图表.将标签更改为 45 度角的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我在网上搜索了如何解决这个问题没有成功.我见过人们使用背景图片,但这似乎很懒惰且无益.我想将标签移动到 45 度角,这样看起来更专业.

                  I have searched through the net with no success on how to solve this. I have seen people use a background image but that seems lazy and unhelpful. I want to move the labels to a 45 degree angle so it looks more professional.

                  我的图表目前看起来像这样 -

                  My chart currently looks like this -

                  但我希望它看起来像这样 -

                  But I am wanting it to look like this -


                  Anyone have any ideas on how I can do this?


                      new Chart(DummyChart, {
                        type: "polarArea",
                        data: {
                          labels: ["Dummy1", "Dummy 2", "Dummy 3", "Dummy 4"],
                          datasets: [
                              data: [125, 375, 300, 240],
                              backgroundColor: "#57C5C8",
                              borderWidth: 4,
                              hoverBorderColor: "white",
                              label: "Dummy Dummy "
                        options: {
                          cutoutPercentage: 20,
                          legend: {
                            display: false
                          layout: {
                            padding: 0
                          scale: {
                            ticks: {
                              max: 450,
                              maxTicksLimit: 1,
                              display: false
                            angleLines: {
                              display: true
                            pointLabels: {
                              display: true
                          plugins: {
                            datalabels: {
                              display: false


                  这是我使用 datalables 插件的解决方案.

                  Here's my solution with the datalables plugin.



                  I have updated my previous solutions to make the chart responsive.

                      plugins: {
                        datalabels: {
                          formatter: function(value, context) {
                            return context.chart.data.labels[context.dataIndex];
                          anchor: 'start',
                          align: 'end',
                          offset: 0 // Gets updated
                      onResize: function() {
                        let width = document.getElementById("pie-chart").width
                        let padding = myChart.options.layout.padding
                        myChart.options.plugins.datalabels.offset = width/2-padding

                  这篇关于Chart.js PolarArea 图表.将标签更改为 45 度角的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:在 React Js 中工作的 Chart js 中无法获得条形图颜色 下一篇:在调整窗口大小之前,ChartJS 不会在引导选项卡内绘制图形


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