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        使用 Find 查找 HTML 片段的 Ajax 响应

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                • 本文介绍了使用 Find 查找 HTML 片段的 Ajax 响应的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在使用 JQuery find 进行一些测试,我有一个来自 AJAX 请求的 html 响应,所以最初的结果是这样的.

                  <!DOCTYPE html><html><身体><div id="仪表板"><div id="dash2"><h1>嗨</h1></div></div></身体></html>

                  在我的 Ajax 成功代码中是这样的..

                  成功 : function(response,status) {console.log($(response).find('#dashboard').html());}


                  但是,当我将响应页面(我创建了一个嵌套 div)修改为此

                  <!DOCTYPE html><html><身体><div id="div1"><div id="仪表板"><div id="dash2"><h1>嗨</h1></div></div></div></身体></html>

                  我的 Ajax 成功代码中返回的行 console.log( $(response).find('#dashboard').html() ); 返回了

                  <div id="dash2"><h1>嗨</h1></div>

                  我的问题,在执行 console.log( $(response).find('#dashboard').html() ); 时第一个 HTML 怎么来的,它给了我一个未定义的,但是在第二个 HTML(嵌套在 div 中的那个)给了我 #dashboard 的内容(这是我期望得到的.






                  为了避免这个问题,我通常在一个空的 <div> 上执行此操作.


                  I was doing some test with JQuery find , I have an html response coming from an AJAX request, so initially the result would be this.

                  <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <div id="dashboard">
                          <div id="dash2">

                  In My Ajax Success code is this..

                  success : function(response,status) {                       
                      console.log( $(response).find('#dashboard').html() );

                  Upon printing it on the console that gives me an undefined.

                  However when I modify the response page(I created a nesting div) to this

                  <!DOCTYPE html>
                          <div id="div1">
                              <div id="dashboard">
                                  <div id="dash2">

                  The line from my Ajax Success code returned console.log( $(response).find('#dashboard').html() ); returned the

                  <div id="dash2">

                  My Question, How come on the first HTML when doing the console.log( $(response).find('#dashboard').html() ); it gave me an undefined, however on the second HTML(the one nested in the div) gave me the the contents of #dashboard(which the one I am expecting to get.


                  As far as I know it is a browser dependent behavior to which tags to drop as a measure of sanitation, e.g. <head/>.

                  The reason for not finding #dashboard while executing


                  is most probably because #dashboard has become the root element after the sanitation, and .find() matches against the descendant elements not on the root itself.

                  I normally to avoid this problem do this over an empty <div>.


                  这篇关于使用 Find 查找 HTML 片段的 Ajax 响应的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:在数组中查找对象,子数组检查属性 下一篇:JavaScript window.find() 不选择搜索词


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