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    3. 你如何设置“url"?创建新的响应()时?

      <i id='aQnJG'><tr id='aQnJG'><dt id='aQnJG'><q id='aQnJG'><span id='aQnJG'><b id='aQnJG'><form id='aQnJG'><ins id='aQnJG'></ins><ul id='aQnJG'></ul><sub id='aQnJG'></sub></form><legend id='aQnJG'></legend><bdo id='aQnJG'><pre id='aQnJG'><center id='aQnJG'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='aQnJG'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='aQnJG'><tfoot id='aQnJG'></tfoot><dl id='aQnJG'><fieldset id='aQnJG'></fieldset></dl></div>
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                我正在关注 这个为测试创建模拟响应的示例.

                I'm following this example to create a mocked response for a test.


                 var data = { foo: 'bar'};
                 var blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(data)], {type : 'application/json'});
                 var init = { "status" : 200 , "statusText" : "SuperSmashingGreat!" };
                 var resp = new Response(blob,init);
                body: (...)
                bodyUsed: true
                headers: Headers {}
                ok: true
                redirected: false
                status: 200
                statusText: "SuperSmashingGreat!"
                type: "default"
                url: ""

                这在模拟数据和状态方面做得很好但是,我也想模拟 resp.url 我不知道如何使用构造函数来设置它并且 [因为它是只读的] 我不能单独设置它

                this does a good job mocking the data and status however, I also want to mock resp.url I don't see how I can set that using the constructor and [since it's readonly] I can't set it on resp itself

                >> ""
                resp.url = 'www.test.com'
                >> "www.test.com"
                >> ""



                由于 url 实际上是由继承的 getter 定义的,所以可以使用 Object.definedProperty 来定义一个直接在 Response 实例上的简单值属性,它会隐藏继承的 getter 属性:

                Since url is actually defined by an inherited getter, you can use Object.definedProperty to define a simple value property directly on your Response instance, which shadows the inherited getter property:

                Object.defineProperty(resp, "url", { value: "foobar" });



                For your own understanding, you can see the inherited getter by looking at the property descriptor of Response.prototype.url:

                Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(new Response()), 'url')
                > {get: , set: undefined, enumerable: true, configurable: true}


                上一篇:我不能使用 json 使用 react 向我的 web api 发出 Post 请求 下一篇:Mongoose.js:通过用户名 LIKE 值查找用户


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