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      1. <i id='f6sBX'><tr id='f6sBX'><dt id='f6sBX'><q id='f6sBX'><span id='f6sBX'><b id='f6sBX'><form id='f6sBX'><ins id='f6sBX'></ins><ul id='f6sBX'></ul><sub id='f6sBX'></sub></form><legend id='f6sBX'></legend><bdo id='f6sBX'><pre id='f6sBX'><center id='f6sBX'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='f6sBX'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='f6sBX'><tfoot id='f6sBX'></tfoot><dl id='f6sBX'><fieldset id='f6sBX'></fieldset></dl></div>

      2. jQuery 查找并列出特定 DIV 中 UL 内的所有 LI 元素

          <tbody id='Xh5NN'></tbody>
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                  本文介绍了jQuery 查找并列出特定 DIV 中 UL 内的所有 LI 元素的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我有 3 列 UL,每个动态 UL 容器可以有 0-9 个 LI 容器(最终更多).我所有的 LI 元素都有一个属性rel",我试图最终找到该属性并将其用于该父 DIV 中所有 LI 元素的其他内容.我最终确实想找到更多基于每个但不是最起码的 rel.. 任何想法我可以如何使用 jQuery 实现这一目标?示例:

                  I have 3 Columns of ULs each a Dynamic UL container that can have anywhere from 0-9 LI containers (eventually more). All my LI elements have an attribute "rel" which I am trying to ultimately find that attribute and use it for something else on all LI elements within that parent DIV. I do eventually want to find more based on each but for not the very least the rel.. Any Ideas how I can achieve that with jQuery? Example:

                  <ul id="column1">
                     <li rel="1">Info</li>
                     <li rel="2">Info</li>
                     <li rel="3">Info</li>
                  <ul id="column2">
                     <li rel="4">Info</li>
                     <li rel="5">Info</li>
                     <li rel="6">Info</li>
                  <ul id="column3">
                     <li rel="7">Info</li>
                     <li rel="8">Info</li>
                     <li rel="9">Info</li>


                  these elements are all sortable as well. So when I get a list of them I want to also keep them in the order they were found from top to bottom of each column.

                  我已经尝试过 find()、parent() 和类似的方法,也许我处理错了.但它仍然值得一提,以帮助提出一个想法

                  I have tried find(), parent(), and similar, maybe I am approaching it wrong. But its still worth mentioning to help come up with an idea



                  $('ul li').each(function(i)
                     $(this).attr('rel'); // This is your rel value

                  这篇关于jQuery 查找并列出特定 DIV 中 UL 内的所有 LI 元素的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:来自 .ajax() 调用的数据的 jQuery .find() 正在返回“[object Object]". 下一篇:查找未使用的图像、css 规则、js 脚本块


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