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        如何保护 HTML5/Canvas 游戏中的代码?


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                  本文介绍了如何保护 HTML5/Canvas 游戏中的代码?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  在流行的 HTML5/Canvas 游戏中,游戏制造商如何通过在网络浏览器中右键单击页面来防止访问者看到游戏代码?是否所有的游戏代码都在服务器上,而只有一小部分游戏代码在浏览器中,然后服务器和浏览器之间通过 Ajax、Websockets 或其他方式进行某种通信?

                  How do game manufacturers prevent visitors from seeing the game code by right-clicking on the page in web browsers in popular HTML5/Canvas games? Are all the game code on the server and just a small part of the game code in the browser and then there is some kind of communication between server and browser with Ajax, Websockets or what?

                  我很好奇,想了解更多?我正在使用 Canvas 学习 HTML5 游戏开发,我不想分享我花了这么多时间开发的所有代码.我该如何保护它?

                  I am curious and would like to know more about this? I'm learning game development in HTML5 with Canvas and I don't want to share all the code that I have spent so many hours to develop. How can I protect it?


                  没有办法对最终用户隐藏您的 javascript.

                  There isn't a way to hide your javascript from the end-user.


                  In order to execute it, it must be loaded by the users web browser. When it's on the users machine, the user can look at it.

                  您可以使用混淆器使您的代码更难阅读,但只要它对浏览器可读,它也对有决心的人可读.要么接受它,要么将您的关键商业机密转移到服务器端代码,并通过 AJAX 或 Web 套接字与其通信.

                  You could use an obfuscator to make your code harder to read, but as long as it is readable for the browser, it is also readable for a determined human. Either live with it, or move your critical business secrets to server-sided code, and communicate with it through AJAX or web sockets.

                  这篇关于如何保护 HTML5/Canvas 游戏中的代码?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:为什么我的游戏角色在不同的电脑上速度不同? 下一篇:webkit css resize 不适用于儿童画布?


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