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                  我在页面的 <head> 部分有一个 <base> 标记,如下所示:

                  I have a <base> tag as below in <head> section of the page:

                  <base href="http://localhost/framework">


                  And a script as below which is relative (of course after <base>):

                  <script src="/assets/jquery-1.7.1.min.js">

                  但是当我从 firebug 打开 jQuery 时,它显示:

                  But when I open jQuery from firebug it shows:

                  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">
                  <title>404 Not Found</title>
                  Blah Blah Blah....


                  When I use the below link it's OK though:

                  <script src="http://localhost/framework/assets/jquery-1.7.1.min.js">  


                  I looked for an answer everywhere, but it seems I'm doing my job right! So what is the problem?


                  /assets/jquery-1.7.1.min.js 不是相对的而是绝对的*,/ 即使使用 base 标记也将其带到根目录.

                  /assets/jquery-1.7.1.min.js is not relative but absolute*, the / takes it to the root even with a base tag.

                  如果您删除该 /,它应该使其相对于当前路径,当 base 标记存在时,该路径将是 http://本地主机/框架/.

                  If you remove that /, it should make it relative off the current path, which, when a base tag is present would be http://localhost/framework/.

                  注意:您还需要在 href 的末尾添加一个尾随 /,以表明它是一个文件夹.

                  Note: You will also need to add a trailing / to the end of the href, to indicate that it's a folder.


                  <!doctype html>
                  <base href="/test/" />
                  <script src="assets/test.js"></script>

                  * 实际上取决于你问的是谁,它仍然是相对的,因为它与当前域无关.但我更喜欢称它为绝对,因为它表示路径来自根,基于当前域.虽然,我想从技术上讲,这使得它在宏伟的计划中是相对的,而仅就当前领域而言是绝对的.随便.

                  * Actually depending on who you ask, it's still relative since it is relative off the current domain. But I prefer to call this absolute since it's signifying the path is from the root, based on the current domain. Although, I guess technically that makes it relative in the grand scheme of things, and absolute only in terms of the current domain. Whatever.


                  上一篇:如果浏览器不支持 HTML5 的&lt;video&gt;,我如何显示图像?标签 下一篇:我应该使用 &lt;p/&gt;标记中的标记?


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