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        HTML 的 width/height 属性和 img 元素上的 CSS width/height 属性有什么区别?


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                  本文介绍了HTML 的 width/height 属性和 img 元素上的 CSS width/height 属性有什么区别?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  HTML <img> 元素可以有 width/height 属性,也可以有 CSS width/高度属性:

                  The HTML <img> element can have the width / height attribute, and it can also have the CSS width / height properties:

                  <img src="xxx.img" width="16" height="16"
                  style="width: 16px; height: 16px"></img>


                  What's the difference between the HTML attribute and CSS property and should they have the same effect?


                  关于这个话题的热议可以在这里找到:图片标签与 CSS 的宽度属性

                  A hot debate about the subject can be found here: Width attribute for image tag versus CSS



                  The gain from declaring a width value and an height value (which may not be the original physical dimensions of the image) or from css declarations (like width: [valueX]; height: [valueY];) is that it helps speed up the rendering of the page. The browser knows how much space to allocate a particular area of the page: it will even draw image placeholders on a first draw, a first parsing+rendering of the page. When one does not define any width and height, then the browser has to download the image and then figure out its dimensions, space to allocate and then redraw the page.


                  This seems to be the most beneficial effect in my opinion.

                  这篇关于HTML 的 width/height 属性和 img 元素上的 CSS width/height 属性有什么区别?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:如何取消加载图像 下一篇:关闭封闭 &lt;p&gt;CKEditor 3.0 中的标签


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