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    <small id='nXJ15'></small><noframes id='nXJ15'>

      1. 为什么使用 HTML5 标签?

        • <tfoot id='eRCHt'></tfoot>
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            <legend id='eRCHt'><style id='eRCHt'><dir id='eRCHt'><q id='eRCHt'></q></dir></style></legend>

            • <i id='eRCHt'><tr id='eRCHt'><dt id='eRCHt'><q id='eRCHt'><span id='eRCHt'><b id='eRCHt'><form id='eRCHt'><ins id='eRCHt'></ins><ul id='eRCHt'></ul><sub id='eRCHt'></sub></form><legend id='eRCHt'></legend><bdo id='eRCHt'><pre id='eRCHt'><center id='eRCHt'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='eRCHt'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='eRCHt'><tfoot id='eRCHt'></tfoot><dl id='eRCHt'><fieldset id='eRCHt'></fieldset></dl></div>
                <tbody id='eRCHt'></tbody>

                <small id='eRCHt'></small><noframes id='eRCHt'>

                  本文介绍了为什么使用 HTML5 标签?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  是像 <section> 这样的新 HTML5 元素吗?和<文章>没意义?

                  我最终决定转向使用 HTML5 设计网站.我有一个关于新标签的问题.

                  I have decided to, finally, make the move to designing websites in HTML5. I have one question about the new tags.

                  有新的标签,例如;页眉、页脚、导航栏等.为什么这些标签比使用 DIV ID 的旧方法更受欢迎(例如 <div id="header">).我可以理解为什么这会使事情变得更简单,但是让一些使用 HTML5 的标签和一些使用旧方法的标签不会更令人困惑吗?我个人认为使用 all 或 none 比混合使用更合乎逻辑.

                  There are new tags such as; header, footer, navbar, etc.. Why are these tags preferred over the older method of using DIV ID's (eg. <div id="header">). I can see why this would make things simpler but wouldn't it be more confusing to have some tags that use HTML5 and some tags that use the older method? I, personally, find it more logical to use all or none, rather than a mixture.


                  If I'm missing the point entirely please let me know.


                  这不是非此即彼的情况.HTML5 仍然有 <div>.它仍然有 <span>s.新标签可以为您提供更多表达自由并标准化常见元素.例如,大多数页面都有导航栏,但到目前为止还没有关于如何标记的标准.如果它们被清楚地标记为 <nav>,程序就可以开始有效地使用这些信息.搜索引擎可以忽略或解析它们,而辅助技术可以帮助用户浏览网站.

                  It's not an either-or situation. HTML5 still has <div>s. It still has <span>s. The new tags are there to give you more expressive freedom and to standardize common elements. For instance, most pages have navigation bars, yet so far there was no standard for how those were marked up. If they're clearly marked up as <nav>, programs can start to use this information productively. Search engines can ignore or parse them and assistive technology can help the user navigate around the site.

                  它还使您可以更轻松地处理代码.<nav><div class="main nav foobar baz"> 更容易被发现.

                  It also makes it easier for you to work with your code. <nav> is so much easier to spot than <div class="main nav foobar baz">.


                  The new tags are an addition, not an entirely new set replacing the old tags.

                  这篇关于为什么使用 HTML5 标签?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:在 JavaScript 的 HTML 标记中存储任意信息? 下一篇:如何将输入标签中的两个数字相加?


                  1. <small id='128xl'></small><noframes id='128xl'>

                  2. <i id='128xl'><tr id='128xl'><dt id='128xl'><q id='128xl'><span id='128xl'><b id='128xl'><form id='128xl'><ins id='128xl'></ins><ul id='128xl'></ul><sub id='128xl'></sub></form><legend id='128xl'></legend><bdo id='128xl'><pre id='128xl'><center id='128xl'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='128xl'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='128xl'><tfoot id='128xl'></tfoot><dl id='128xl'><fieldset id='128xl'></fieldset></dl></div>

                    1. <tfoot id='128xl'></tfoot>
                        <bdo id='128xl'></bdo><ul id='128xl'></ul>
                    2. <legend id='128xl'><style id='128xl'><dir id='128xl'><q id='128xl'></q></dir></style></legend>