



I'm trying protractor to write a few tests in a non angular application. I have to login in a page trough basic authentication in google chrome, but i have no idea how.

我已经尝试过 baseUrl: 'https://username:password@url'capabilities: {浏览器名称":铬",铬选项":{参数:['--login-user=foo', '--login-password=bar']}}


But none if these worked for me. Anyone knows how to do it? I'm having some hard time on it.


简短的回答是在 chrome 上没有简单的方法,因为它们不支持修改请求标头 - 请参阅 https://code.google.com/p/selenium/issues/detail?id=141 (标题表示响应标题,但如果您阅读它,它适用于所有标题).

The short answer is there is no easy way of doing it on chrome because they do not support modifying request headers -- see https://code.google.com/p/selenium/issues/detail?id=141 (title says response headers, but if you read it, it's for all headers).


That being said, there are ways to do it, albeit difficult.

1) 找到一个允许您修改标题的 chrome 扩展/插件.一个简单的搜索就可以找到很多:https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/modify%20header.您需要将插件添加到 webdriver:请参阅 量角器测试下是否可以给chromedriver添加插件?.

1) Find a chrome extension/plugin that allows you to modify header. A simple search bring up many of them: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/modify%20header. You'll need to add the plugin to webdriver: see Is it possible to add a plugin to chromedriver under a protractor test?.

2) 你可以使用 browsermob-proxy (https://github.com/lightbody/browsermob-代理);这样,您可以通过代理路由您的流量,这将为您添加标头.来自文档:

2) You can use browsermob-proxy (https://github.com/lightbody/browsermob-proxy); this way you route your traffic through the proxy, which would add the headers for you. From the docs:

POST /proxy/[port]/auth/basic/[domain] - Sets automatic basic authentication for the specified domain
Payload data should be json encoded username and password name/value pairs (ex: {"username": "myUsername", "password": "myPassword"}


There's a node project that may help you, https://github.com/zzo/browsermob-node, but you would still need to set up your proxy server yourself.

chrome 的两种方法都很复杂,但都能得到你想要的.(或者你可以坚持使用 Firefox 并按照罗伯特的回答)

Both ways for chrome are complex, but would get you what you want. (or you can stick with firefox and follow Robert's answer)


上一篇:单元测试业力跑步者/茉莉花分析 下一篇:Angularjs 承诺不会在单元测试中解决

