使用 Jasmine 重用测试代码的好方法是什么?

本文介绍了使用 Jasmine 重用测试代码的好方法是什么?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 Jasmine BDD Javascript 库并且非常喜欢它.我有想要重用的测试代码(例如,测试基类的多个实现或在稍微不同的上下文中运行相同的测试),但我不确定如何使用 Jasmine.我知道我可以将代码从 jasmine 函数中移出并移到可重用的类中,但我喜欢代码读取与 Jasmine 函数(描述,它)的方式,我不想将规范与测试代码分开,除非我必须.有没有人在使用 Jasmine 时遇到过这个问题,您是如何处理的?

I'm using the Jasmine BDD Javascript library and really enjoying it. I have test code that I'd like to reuse (for example, testing multiple implementations of a base class or running the same tests in a slightly different context) and I'm not sure how to do it using Jasmine. I know that I could move code out of the jasmine functions and into reusable classes but I like the way the code reads interspersed with the Jasmine functions (describe, it) and I don't want to separate the specs from the test code unless I have to. Has anyone out there using Jasmine come across this issue and how have you handled it?


有人指出我要将 describe 调用包装在一个向其传递参数的函数中.

It was pointed out to me to wrap a describe call in a function that passes it a parameter.

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上一篇:Jasmine 的 toThrow 匹配器是否需要将参数包装在匿名函数中? 下一篇:jasmine.createSpyObj 与属性

