从 Karma/Jasmine 测试加载外部文件

本文介绍了从 Karma/Jasmine 测试加载外部文件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试完成 Jasmine 测试(使用 Karma 和 IntelliJ 13)来验证 JSON 文件.理想情况下,我的测试将简单地将 JSON 文件加载到数据对象中,然后让我解析以检查有效的格式和数据.我不需要在之前或之后验证函数,也不需要针对服务器进行测试.

I'm trying to accomplish a Jasmine test (using Karma and IntelliJ 13) to validate JSON files. Ideally, my test would simply load a JSON file into a data object, then let me parse through to check for valid formatting and data. I don't need to validate functions before or after, nor do I need to test against a server.


My basic setup is like this:

it("should load an external file", function(){
var asyncCallComplete, result,
            _this = this;
        // asyncCallComplete is set to true when the ajax call is complete
        asyncCallComplete = false;

        // result stores the result of the successful ajax call
        result = null;

        // SECTION 1 - call asynchronous function
        runs(function() {
            return $.ajax('/test/config.json', {
                type: 'GET',
                success: function(data) {
                    asyncCallComplete = true;
                    result = data;
                error: function() {
                    asyncCallComplete = true;

        // SECTION 2 - wait for the asynchronous call to complete
        waitsFor(function() {
            return asyncCallComplete !== false;
        }, "async to complete");

        // SECTION 3 - perform tests
        return runs(function() {
            return expect(result).not.toBeNull();

问题是无论我使用什么路径,我都会收到 404 错误并且文件不会加载.我尝试使用此测试服务从远程服务器加载外部 JSON 结果:

The problem is that no matter what path I use, I get a 404 error and the file won't load. I've tried loading an external JSON result from a remote server using this test service:



我的测试文件名为/test/mySpec.js,我的 karma.conf.js 文件位于根目录中.我已经将 JSON 文件移动到所有这些位置,但没有运气.我做错了什么?

My test file is named /test/mySpec.js and my karma.conf.js file is on the root. I have moved around the JSON file to all of these locations with no luck. What am I doing wrong?


根据下面的答案,我将此添加到我的 karma.conf.js:

Per the answer below, I added this to my karma.conf.js:

// fixtures
{ pattern: 'test/*.json',
    watched: true,
    served:  true,
    included: false


Then, I wrote my test this way:

    var json:any;
    it("should load a fixture", function () {
        jasmine.getFixtures().fixturesPath = "base/test/"
        var f = readFixtures("registration.json");
        json = JSON.parse(f);


    it("should have a title", function () {



您是否通过 karma.config.js 提供 JSON 文件?

Are you serving the JSON file via karma.config.js?

您可以通过夹具提供 JSON 文件:

You can serve JSON files via fixture:

files: [
      // angular 

      // jasmine jquery helper

      //  app

      // tests

      // JSON fixture
      { pattern:  '/test/*.json',
        watched:  true,
        served:   true,
        included: false }

这篇关于从 Karma/Jasmine 测试加载外部文件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一篇:用茉莉花测试backbone.js应用程序-如何测试视图上的模型绑定? 下一篇:单元测试业力跑步者/茉莉花分析

