Game crashes when I try to destroy a b2Body, what should I do?(当我尝试破坏 b2Body 时游戏崩溃,我该怎么办?)
How to make an iphone and iphone4-retina compatible app (done in cocos2d) easily adapted to ipad?(如何使 iphone 和 iphon
How do i use cocos2d with Xcode?(如何在 Xcode 中使用 cocos2d?)
Cocos2d 2.x: understanding ccBezierConfig beheaviour(Cocos2d 2.x:理解 ccBezierConfig 行为)
Reuse cocos2d actions(重用 cocos2d 动作)
Cocos2d, iOS: what is the correct way to remove sprites from cache?(Cocos2d,iOS:从缓存中删除精灵的正确方法是什么?)
create a CCMenuItemLabel with a custom font file(使用自定义字体文件创建 CCMenuItemLabel)
CocosDenshion music fade out(CocosDenshion 音乐淡出)
How can i rotate an arrow image by touch on that image?(如何通过触摸该图像来旋转箭头图像?)
Count the number of times a method is called in Cocoa-Touch?(计算一个方法在 Cocoa-Touch 中被调用的次数?)
Cocos2d - Change CCNode Image Programmatically(Cocos2d - 以编程方式更改 CCNode 图像)
Update Label Value in Cocos2d(更新 Cocos2d 中的标签值)