Is a Spring Data (JPA) Repository thread-safe? (aka is SimpleJpaRepository thread safe)(Spring Data (JPA) Repository 是
What does it mean lt;S extends Tgt; save (S entity); in Spring Repository?(lt;S 扩展 Tgt; 是什么意思保存(S实体);在 Spri
Exception in monitor thread while connecting to server localhost:27017 while accessing MongoDB with Java(使用 Java 访问
onSave() (for any Entity saved with Hibernate/Spring Data Repositories)(onSave()(对于使用 Hibernate/Spring Data Reposito
Why is the version property not set with Spring Data JPA?(为什么没有使用 Spring Data JPA 设置版本属性?)
Spring Data Querying DateTime with only Date(Spring数据查询日期时间只有日期)
Spring data save vs saveAll performance(Spring数据保存与saveAll性能)
Why do I not see changes issued through an update query with Spring Data JPA?(为什么我看不到通过 Spring Data JPA 的更新
Count in Spring Data MongoDB repository(在 Spring Data MongoDB 存储库中计数)
How to retrieve spring data repository instance for given domain class?(如何检索给定域类的弹簧数据存储库实例?)
Table #39;DBNAME.hibernate_sequence#39; doesn#39;t exist(表 DBNAME.hibernate_sequence 不存在)
Java MongoDB Object Versioning(Java MongoDB 对象版本控制)