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        Java MongoDB 对象版本控制

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                1. 本文介绍了Java MongoDB 对象版本控制的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我需要对存储在面向文档的数据库 (MongoDB) 中的(简单)Java 对象图进行版本控制.对于关系数据库和 Hibernate,我发现了 Envers 并对这些可能性感到非常惊讶.是否有类似的东西可以与 Spring Data Documents 一起使用?

                  I need to do versioning on (simple) Java object graphs stored in a document-oriented database (MongoDB). For relational databases and Hibernate, I discovered Envers and am very amazed about the possibilities. Is there something similar that can be used with Spring Data Documents?

                  我发现 这篇文章概述了我的想法(以及更多...)关于存储对象版本,我当前的实现工作类似,因为它将对象的副本存储在带有时间戳的单独历史集合中,但我想改进它以节省存储空间.因此,我认为我需要在对象树上实现差异"操作和重构旧对象的合并"操作.有没有图书馆可以帮助解决这个问题?

                  I found this post outlining the thoughts I had (and more...) about storing the object versions, and my current implementation works similar in that it stores copies of the objects in a separate history collection with a timestamp, but I would like to improve this to save storage space. Therefore, I think I need to implement both a "diff" operation on object trees and a "merge" operation for reconstructing old objects. Are there any libraries out there helping with this?

                  编辑:任何使用 MongoDB 和版本控制的经验都非常感谢!我认为很可能不会有 Spring Data 解决方案.

                  Edit: Any experiences with MongoDB and versioning highly appreciated! I see most probably there won't be a Spring Data solution.


                  我们正在使用一个基础实体(我们在其中设置 Id、创建 + 上次更改日期......).在此基础上,我们使用了一个通用的持久化方法,看起来像这样:

                  We're using a base entity (where we set the Id, creation + last change dates,...). Building upon this we're using a generic persistence method, which looks something like this:

                  public <E extends BaseEntity> ObjectId persist(E entity) {
                      return entity.getId();

                  delta 方法看起来像这样(我会尽量使它尽可能通用):

                  The delta method looks like this (I'll try to make this as generic as possible):

                  protected <E extends BaseEntity> void delta(E newEntity) {
                      // If the entity is null or has no ID, it hasn't been persisted before,
                      // so there's no delta to calculate
                      if ((newEntity == null) || (newEntity.getId() == null)) {
                      // Get the original entity
                      E oldEntity = (E) mongoDataStore.get(newEntity.getClass(), newEntity.getId()); 
                      // Ensure that the old entity isn't null
                      if (oldEntity == null) {
                          LOG.error("Tried to compare and persist null objects - this is not allowed");
                      // Get the current user and ensure it is not null
                      String email = ...;
                      // Calculate the difference
                      // We need to fetch the fields from the parent entity as well as they
                      // are not automatically fetched
                      Field[] fields = ArrayUtils.addAll(newEntity.getClass().getDeclaredFields(),
                      Object oldField = null;
                      Object newField = null;
                      StringBuilder delta = new StringBuilder();
                      for (Field field : fields) {
                          field.setAccessible(true); // We need to access private fields
                          try {
                              oldField = field.get(oldEntity);
                              newField = field.get(newEntity);
                          } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                              LOG.error("Bad argument given");
                          } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                              LOG.error("Could not access the argument");
                          if ((oldField != newField)
                                  && (((oldField != null) && !oldField.equals(newField)) || ((newField != null) && !newField
                                          .equals(oldField)))) {
                              delta.append(field.getName()).append(": [").append(oldField).append("] -> [")
                                      .append(newField).append("]  ");
                      // Persist the difference
                      if (delta.length() == 0) {
                          LOG.warn("The delta is empty - this should not happen");
                      } else {
                          DeltaEntity deltaEntity = new DeltaEntity(oldEntity.getClass().toString(),
                                  oldEntity.getId(), oldEntity.getUuid(), email, delta.toString());

                  我们的 delta 实体看起来像这样(没有 getter + setter、toString、hashCode 和 equals):

                  Our delta entity looks like that (without the getters + setters, toString, hashCode, and equals):

                  @Entity(value = "delta", noClassnameStored = true)
                  public final class DeltaEntity extends BaseEntity {
                      private static final long serialVersionUID = -2770175650780701908L;
                      private String entityClass; // Do not call this className as Morphia will
                                              // try to work some magic on this automatically
                      private ObjectId entityId;
                      private String entityUuid;
                      private String userEmail;
                      private String delta;
                      public DeltaEntity() {
                      public DeltaEntity(final String entityClass, final ObjectId entityId, final String entityUuid,
                              final String userEmail, final String delta) {
                          this.entityClass = entityClass;
                          this.entityId = entityId;
                          this.entityUuid = entityUuid;
                          this.userEmail = userEmail;
                          this.delta = delta;


                  Hope this helps you getting started :-)

                  这篇关于Java MongoDB 对象版本控制的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:如何在不使用查询缓存的情况下缓存 Spring Data JPA 查询方法的结果? 下一篇:表 'DBNAME.hibernate_sequence' 不存在


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