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        为什么我看不到通过 Spring Data JPA 的更新查询发出的更改?

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                2. 本文介绍了为什么我看不到通过 Spring Data JPA 的更新查询发出的更改?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  public class CamelService {
                      public aCamelThing() {
                            Camel camel = this.camelRepository.findOne(1);
                            System.out.println(camel.getCamelName());  // prints "normalCamel"
                            // simple hql set field 'camelName'
                            int res = this.camelRepository.updateCamelName(1,"superCamel!");
                            Camel camelWithNewName = this.camelRepository.findOne(1);
                            System.out.println(camelWithNewName .getCamelName());  // prints "normalCamel" ?!?!?

                  知道如何实现第二个 println 将打印的目标:superCamel!"?(将第二次调用与新事务分开并不理想).

                  Any idea how can i achieve the goal that the second println will print: "superCamel!" ? (separating the second call to a new transaction is not ideal).


                  您看到它工作的原因很简单:JPA 被定义为以这种方式工作.

                  The reason you see this working as it works is quite simple: JPA is defined to work that way.

                  我假设您触发了 updateCamelName(…) 的更新查询.JPA 规范为更新和删除操作规定了以下内容:

                  I am assuming you trigger an update query for updateCamelName(…). The JPA specification states the following for update and delete operations:


                  The persistence context is not synchronized with the result of the bulk update or delete.



                  This means, that if you need to see the changes of such an operation you need to do the following things:

                  1. 在此操作后清除 EntityManager. Spring Data JPA 的 @Modifying 注释有一个 clearAutomatically 标志,默认为.如果设置为 true,则调用查询方法将自动清除 EntityManager(顾名思义.请谨慎使用,因为它会有效地删除所有尚未刷新的待处理更改到数据库了!
                  2. EntityManager 重新获取实体的新实例. 在存储库上调用 findOne(...) 似乎是一种合理的方式这样做,因为这大致转换为 EntityManager.find(...).请注意,这可能仍会影响持久性提供程序上配置的二级缓存.
                  1. Clear the EntityManager after this operation. Spring Data JPA's @Modifying annotation has a clearAutomatically flag defaulting to false. If that is set to true, invoking the query method will clear the EntityManager automatically (as the name suggests. Use that with caution, as it will effectively drop all pending changes that have not been flushed to the database yet!
                  2. Re-obtain a fresh instance of the entity from the EntityManager. Calling findOne(…) on the repository seems like a reasonable way to do this as this roughly translates into EntityManager.find(…). Be aware that this might still hit 2nd level caches configured on the persistence provider.

                  解决此问题的最安全方法是 - 正如规范所建议的那样 - 仅将更新查询用于批量操作,并在默认情况下回退到加载实体、更改、合并"方法.

                  The safest way to work around this is - as the spec suggests - to use update queries only for bulk operations and fall back to the "load entity, alter, merge" approach by default.

                  这篇关于为什么我看不到通过 Spring Data JPA 的更新查询发出的更改?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:在 Spring Data MongoDB 存储库中计数 下一篇:Spring数据保存与saveAll性能


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