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                • 本文介绍了ADT插件中的android模拟器未运行的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在使用 Eclipse ADT 插件进行 android 开发.我遇到了一些问题,我删除了所有现有的 emulators 并创建了一个新的.当我运行一个 android 项目并启动 emulator 时,它甚至在启动 Android os 之前就弹出并冻结了黑屏.

                  I'm using Eclipse ADT plugin for android development. I came across some problems and I remove all my existing emulators and create a new one. when I run an android project and start the emulator, it just pop up and freezes with a black screen even before it start Android os.

                  进度标签显示,此时没有要显示的操作.logcat显示I/ServiceManager(270): 一遍遍等待服务SurfaceFlinger....控制台显示

                  [2013-12-02 14:54:03 - Emulator] emulator: warning: opening audio input failed
                  [2013-12-02 14:54:03 - Emulator] 
                  [2013-12-02 14:54:04 - AndroidV4Virtusel] New emulator found: emulator-5554
                  [2013-12-02 14:54:04 - AndroidV4Virtusel] Waiting for HOME ('android.process.acore') to be launched...

                  模拟器从未启动.尽管我重新启动了 IDE,但没有 rusalt.

                  But the emulator never launched. No rusalt although I restart the IDE.

                  当我使用 DDMS 视角重新启动 adb 时,它会出现以下错误.

                  when I restart the adb using DDMS perspective it gives following error.

                  [2013-12-02 15:22:50 - DeviceMonitor] Adb connection Error:An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
                  [2013-12-02 15:22:51 - DeviceMonitor] Connection attempts: 1

                  avd 管理器 还将 emulator 显示为有效的emulator

                  The avd manager also shows the emulator as a valid emulator

                  当我关闭 emulator 时,console 显示,

                  And when I close the emulator the console shows,

                  [2013-12-02 15:34:23 - hierarchyviewer]Unable to get view server version from device emulator-5554
                  [2013-12-02 15:34:23 - hierarchyviewer]Unable to get view server protocol version from device emulator-5554
                  [2013-12-02 15:34:23 - ViewServerDevice]Unable to debug device: My1 [emulator-5554]
                  [2013-12-02 15:34:23 - hierarchyviewer]Missing forwarded port for emulator-5554
                  [2013-12-02 15:34:23 - hierarchyviewer]Unable to get the focused window from device emulator-5554 


                  So can someone help me? Thank you!!!


                  要解决这个问题,请转到 Window --> Open Perspective --> DDMS.在 DDMS 视图中,在屏幕左侧查找设备.您应该会看到一个包含大约 12 个图标的栏.单击向下箭头,然后单击重置 ADB".它应该在之后工作.

                  To solve this, go to Window --> Open Perspective --> DDMS. In the DDMS View, look for devices on the left of your screen. You should see a bar having about 12 icons. Click on the down arrow and click the "reset ADB". It should work afterwards.


                  上一篇:在 Android 中以编程方式解压缩文件 下一篇:试图修复机器人“不明智或错误地使用核心类"的问题.变坏了


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