我的项目运行良好,直到我点击Help->Check for updates"并在 Android SDK Manager 中安装了一些组件.
My project ran well until I clicked "Help->Check for updates" and installed some components in Android SDK Manager.
In general, there is no error announced in my project. But when I run my project, it causes an error
找不到类 com.androiquery.AQuery
could not find class com.androiquery.AQuery
我再次检查,我仍然可以在 libs 文件夹中看到 AQuery 库以及对该库的引用.
I checked out again, I still can see the AQuery library in libs folder and also the reference to this library.
I also tried to clean the project and its dependencies, quite the eclipse, restart the computer, but it doesn't solve. Do you know how to fix it?
I have had the same issue as you and have fixed it this way.
转到属性 > Java构建路径 > 排序和导出并选中Android私有库框.
Go to Properties > Java Build Path > Order and Export and check the Android Private Libraries box.