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        “R 无法解决"可能有错误的构建路径或库导入

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                  本文介绍了“R 无法解决"可能有错误的构建路径或库导入的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我知道这个问题已经问过很多次了,但相信我,我已经检查过所有问题了.大多数问题建议删除 import android.R ,删除 xml 文件中的任何错误,检查文件名(无大写字母)然后重建并清理项目或重新启动 eclipse.我已经尝试了所有但没有解决问题.当我清理所有项目时出现问题.现在所有项目都显示该错误.由于在我清理项目之前所有项目都运行良好,因此所有项目的布局或文件名不可能突然出现错误.

                  I know this question has been many times but trust me I have checked all. Most of the question suggests to remove import android.R , remove any error in the xml file, checking name of the files (no capital letters) then rebuild and clean the project or restart eclipse. I have tried all but none solved the problem. The problem occured when i cleaned all the projects. Now all the projects are showing that error. Since all the project were running perfectly before i cleaned projects, there is no possibility that all of the sudden the layouts or the file names of all the projects have error in them.

                  gen 文件夹中也没有文件.据我所知,build pathpreferences 有问题,谁能指出我正确的方向?!

                  Also there is no file in gen folder. As far as i can understand there is something wrong with the build path or preferences can anyne point me in a correct direction? !


                  确保您安装了 Android 构建工具 form sdk manager

                  Make sure you installed the Android build tool form sdk manager

                  项目右键属性-> Java BuildPath 选择Library 并添加android-support.jar 按照这些步骤.

                  project right click properties-> Java BuildPath select Library and add android-support.jar the follow these step.

                  转到 Project->Properties->Java Build Path,然后选择 Order and export 选项卡.将 android-support .jar 库设置为选中并将其置于列表顶部.并清理和重建..它适用于大多数情况

                  Go to Project->Properties->Java Build Path than select Order and export tab. Set android-support .jar library checked and up it into top of the list. And clean and rebuild..It works for most of the cases

                  这篇关于“R 无法解决"可能有错误的构建路径或库导入的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:找不到班级 下一篇:Android 模拟器快照错误


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