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      Android 模拟器错误:“系统 UI 已停止"

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                本文介绍了Android 模拟器错误:“系统 UI 已停止"的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我最近设置了我的 Android 开发环境.一切都很好,但是当我运行模拟器时,模拟器屏幕上出现错误对话框需要很长时间 - 不幸的是,系统 UI 已停止"并且没有应用程序在其上运行.我最近转移到 64 位 windows7 并使用 JDK7 和 eclipse juno 64 位.我的模拟器配置如下:

                I have recently set up my Android development environment. Every thing is alright but when I run my emulator it takes to much time with an error dialog on the emulator screen says- "Unfortunately, System UI has stopped" and no application runs on it. I have recently shifted to 64bit windows7 and using JDK7 and eclipse juno for 64bit. My emulator configuration is given below:


                can anyone suggest me what is wrong with it?



                This is still "unanswered", but it probably has been resolved.


                I just want to share my experience and clarify a few things, some of which may not matter. Anyway, if this helps someone else that's great.

                1. 在运行 4.0.3 模拟器时,我在一台机器(一台新但速度较慢的机器)上遇到了这个问题,但在另一台机器上(速度较快的机器)没有.但这不是硬件问题,CPU 速度也没有影响.

                1. I had this problem on one machine (a new, but slower machine), but not another (the faster one) when running a 4.0.3 emulator. It is not a hardware problem though, and CPU speed doesn't make a difference.

                两台机器都是最新的 ADT(Eclipse 4.2.x 和 Android 4.2.2 (API 17) SDK 环境.

                Both machines are fully up-to-date ADT (Eclipse 4.2.x and Android 4.2.2 (API 17) SDK environments.


                Editing, or even Deleting the emulator and then recreating it did NOT fix it.

                最好的解决方案是找到并更新 config.ini 文件.在 Windows 7 (x64) 中,我在 %USERPROFILE%.androidavd 中找到了 config.ini 文件.它位于文件夹 ICS_4.0.3_API_15.avd [*请参阅下面的 AVD 名称].

                The best solution is to locate and update the config.ini file. In Windows 7 (x64) I found the config.ini file in %USERPROFILE%.androidavd. It was located in a folder ICS_4.0.3_API_15.avd [*see AVD names below].


                NOTE: First make sure you have "show hidden files, folder, or drives" turned on in Explorer or you won't see the ".android" folder.

                1. 不确定这是否重要,但我的条目是 hw.mainKeys=no,而不是某些人建议的 hw.mainKeys=false.将其更改为 hw.mainKeys=yes 似乎已经解决了问题.
                1. Not sure it matters, but my entry said hw.mainKeys=no, not hw.mainKeys=false as some have suggested. Changing it to hw.mainKeys=yes seems to have fixed the problem.

                • AVD 名称 - 您的 AVD 名称将与我的不同.我只是在名称中添加了 Release 名称/API 级别,这样我就可以快速扫描列表并转到某个版本,例如 Honeycomb、Ice Cream Sandwich、Jelly Bean 等(例如 ICS_4.0.3_API_15.avd)

                  在 < 的另一个线程中有更多信息.很遗憾系统 UI 已停止 >.它从问一个看似无关紧要的问题开始,但最终到达了同一个地方.

                  There's more information in another thread at < Unfortunately System UI has stopped >. It starts by asking a seemingly tangential question, but gets to the same place.

                  这篇关于Android 模拟器错误:“系统 UI 已停止"的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                上一篇:Android - 无法在模拟器上获取 gps 位置 下一篇:如何以编程方式检查 Android 中互联网连接的可用性?


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