


我正在阅读一本我正在努力学习的 Java 书籍,我有一个问题.我不明白变量类型 charString 之间有什么区别.例如,intshort 之间存在差异,内存中的字节数和它们所拥有的数字区域.

I am reading a book for Java that I am trying to learn, and I have a question. I can't understand what is the difference between the variable type char and String. For example, there is a difference between int and short, the bytes at the memory and the area of numbers that they have.

charString 有什么区别呢?除了 char 使用 (') 和 "String" (").

But what is the difference between char and String? except that char use (') and "String" (").


PS: It is my first "real" programming language. (At school I learned a fake-language for the purpose of the programming lesson.)


char 是一个字符.String 是零个或多个字符.

char is one character. String is zero or more characters.

char 是原始类型.String 是一个类.

char is a primitive type. String is a class.

char c = 'a';
String s = "Hi!";

注意 char 的单引号和 String 的双引号.

Note the single quotes for char, and double quotes for String.


上一篇:获取字符的扫描仪方法 下一篇:连接字符以形成字符串会产生不同的结果
