每次通过 Eclipse 重新安装时,都会出现以下异常.每次我重新安装当前处于前台的应用程序时都会发生这种情况.
I get the following exception every time I reinstall my through eclipse. It happens every time I reinstall an app that is currently in the foreground.
我希望这个错误只会在开发过程中发生,因为我会通过 Eclipse 卸载正在运行的应用程序.
I expect that this error is only happening during development because I cause an uninstallation of a running app through Eclipse.
Has anybody seen this error on user phones?
当我切换到带有 ICS 的 Galaxy Nexus 时,这开始发生在我身上.
This started happening for me as I switched to a Galaxy Nexus with ICS.
In the above logs i didn't find any thing related to my application. But still it's crashing.
谁能告诉我这是什么原因?这是 Galaxy Nexus 上冰淇淋三明治中的错误吗?
Can any one tell me what's the reason for this? Is this a bug in Ice Cream Sandwich of on the Galaxy Nexus?
我遇到了这个问题,当 XML 中的某些地方出错时,也许你只需要重新生成你的 R.java
i got this problem when someting in XML is wrong, maybe you just have to regenerate your R.java
这篇关于通过 Eclipse 安装时,Android 应用程序崩溃的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!