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      2. 将 MySQL EAV 结果作为关系表检索的最佳性能是什么

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                • 本文介绍了将 MySQL EAV 结果作为关系表检索的最佳性能是什么的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我想从 EAV(实体-属性-值)表中提取结果,或者更具体地说是实体-元数据表(像 wordpress wp_postswp_postmeta)作为格式良好的关系表",为了进行一些排序和/或过滤.

                  我找到了一些关于如何在查询中格式化结果的示例(而不是编写 2 个查询并在代码中加入结果),但我想知道这样做的最有效"方法,尤其是用于更大的结果集.



                  获取姓氏为 XYZ 的所有实体




                  <前>** 实体 **-----------------------身份证 |姓名 |任何-----------------------1 |鲍勃 |等等2 |简|等等3 |汤姆 |等等** 元 **---------------------身份证 |实体 ID |钥匙 |价值---------------------1 |1 |名字 |鲍勃2 |1 |姓氏 |鲍森3 |1 |生日 |1983-10-10.|2 |名字 |简.|2 |姓氏 |简斯多特.|2 |生日 |1983-08-10.|3 |名字 |汤姆.|3 |姓氏 |汤臣.|3 |生日 |1980-08-10


                  <前>** 结果 **-----------------------------------------------开斋节 |姓名 |名字 |姓氏 |生日-----------------------------------------------1 |鲍勃 |鲍勃 |博森 |1983-10-102 |简|简|简斯多特 |1983-08-103 |汤姆 |汤姆 |汤臣 |1980-08-10



                  我发现了一些建议 here,但我找不到任何关于哪个表现更好的讨论.


                  1. GROUP_CONCAT:<前>SELECT e.*, GROUP_CONCAT( CONCAT_WS('||', m.KEY, m.VALUE) ORDER BY m.KEY SEPARATOR ';;' )从`ENTITY` e JOIN `META` m ON e.ID = m.EntityID

                  2. 多连接:<前>SELECT e.*, m1.VALUE 为名字",m2.VALUE 为姓氏",m3.VALUE 为生日"从`实体` e左加入`META` m1ON e.ID = m1.EntityID AND m1.meta_key = '名字'左加入`META` m2ON e.ID = m2.EntityID AND m2.meta_key = 'last name'左加入`META` m3ON e.ID = m3.EntityID AND m3.meta_key = '生日'

                  3. 合并:<前>选择 e.*, MAX( IF(m.KEY= 'first name', m.VALUE, NULL) ) 为 'first name', MAX( IF(m.KEY= 'last name', m.VALUE, NULL) ) 为 'last name', MAX( IF(m.KEY= '生日', m.VALUE, NULL) ) 为 '生日'从`实体` e加入`META`米ON e.ID = m.EntityID

                  4. 代码:<前>SELECT e.* FROM `ENTITY` e WHERE e.ID = {whatever};

                    在 PHP 中,从结果创建一个占位符对象<前>SELECT m.* FROM `META` m WHERE m.EntityID = {whatever};

                    在 PHP 中,遍历结果并附加到实体对象,例如:$e->{$result->key} = $result->VALUE



                  1. 绑定 EAV 结果
                  2. 如何透视一个 MySQL 实体



                  I want to extract results from EAV (entity-attribute-value) tables, or more specifically entity-metadata tables (think like wordpress wp_posts and wp_postmeta) as a "nicely formatted relational table", in order to do some sorting and/or filtering.

                  I've found some examples of how to format the results within the query (as opposed to writing 2 queries and joining the results in code), but I would like to know the "most efficient" method for doing so, especially for larger result sets.

                  And when I say "most efficient", I mean for something like the following scenarios:

                  Get all Entities with last name like XYZ

                  Return a list of Entities sorted by birthday

                  e.g. turn this:

                  ** ENTITY **
                  ID  | NAME | whatever
                   1  | bob  | etc
                   2  | jane | etc
                   3  | tom  | etc
                  ** META **
                  ID | EntityID | KEY         | VALUE
                   1 |   1      | first name  | Bob
                   2 |   1      | last name   | Bobson
                   3 |   1      | birthday    | 1983-10-10
                   . |   2      | first name  | Jane
                   . |   2      | last name   | Janesdotter
                   . |   2      | birthday    | 1983-08-10
                   . |   3      | first name  | Tom
                   . |   3      | last name   | Tomson
                   . |   3      | birthday    | 1980-08-10

                  into this:

                  ** RESULTS **
                  EID | NAME | first name | last name    | birthday
                   1  | bob  | Bob        | Bobson       | 1983-10-10
                   2  | jane | Jane       | Janesdotter  | 1983-08-10
                   3  | tom  | Tom        | Tomson       | 1980-08-10

                  so I can sort or filter by any of the meta fields.

                  I found some suggestions here, but I can't find any discussion of which performs better.


                  1. GROUP_CONCAT:

                    SELECT e.*, GROUP_CONCAT( CONCAT_WS('||', m.KEY, m.VALUE) ORDER BY m.KEY SEPARATOR ';;' )
                    FROM `ENTITY` e JOIN `META` m ON e.ID = m.EntityID

                  2. Multi-Join:

                    SELECT e.*, m1.VALUE as 'first name', m2.VALUE as 'last name', m3.VALUE as 'birthday'
                    FROM `ENTITY` e
                    LEFT JOIN `META` m1
                        ON e.ID = m1.EntityID AND m1.meta_key = 'first name'
                    LEFT JOIN `META` m2
                        ON e.ID = m2.EntityID AND m2.meta_key = 'last name'
                    LEFT JOIN `META` m3
                        ON e.ID = m3.EntityID AND m3.meta_key = 'birthday'

                  3. Coalescing:

                    SELECT e.*
                       , MAX( IF(m.KEY= 'first name', m.VALUE, NULL) ) as 'first name'
                       , MAX( IF(m.KEY= 'last name', m.VALUE, NULL) ) as 'last name'
                       , MAX( IF(m.KEY= 'birthday', m.VALUE, NULL) ) as 'birthday'
                    FROM `ENTITY` e
                    JOIN `META` m
                        ON e.ID = m.EntityID

                  4. Code:

                    SELECT e.* FROM `ENTITY` e WHERE e.ID = {whatever};

                    in PHP, create a placeholder object from result

                    SELECT m.* FROM `META` m WHERE m.EntityID = {whatever};

                    in PHP, loop through results and attach to entity object like: $e->{$result->key} = $result->VALUE

                  Which is better in general, and for filtering/sorting?

                  Related questions:

                  1. Binding EAV results
                  2. How to Pivot a MySQL entity


                  Anything using pivot or aggregates will probably be faster, as they don't require the table to be self-joined. The join based approaches will require the optimiser to perform several sub-query operations and then join the results together. For a small data set this might not matter so much, but this could significantly degrade performance if you're doing an analytic query on a larger data set,

                  这篇关于将 MySQL EAV 结果作为关系表检索的最佳性能是什么的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:连接远程SQL Server数据库的经典ASP问题 下一篇:数据库设计:一张大表还是单独的表?


                  <i id='fZqwP'><tr id='fZqwP'><dt id='fZqwP'><q id='fZqwP'><span id='fZqwP'><b id='fZqwP'><form id='fZqwP'><ins id='fZqwP'></ins><ul id='fZqwP'></ul><sub id='fZqwP'></sub></form><legend id='fZqwP'></legend><bdo id='fZqwP'><pre id='fZqwP'><center id='fZqwP'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='fZqwP'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='fZqwP'><tfoot id='fZqwP'></tfoot><dl id='fZqwP'><fieldset id='fZqwP'></fieldset></dl></div>

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