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        Mysql 使用 MATCH() AGAINST() 搜索字符串和数字


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                • 本文介绍了Mysql 使用 MATCH() AGAINST() 搜索字符串和数字的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我的 MATCH AGAINST 函数有问题.

                  I have a problem with the MATCH AGAINST function.


                  The following query give me the same result:

                  SELECT * FROM models MATCH(name) AGAINST('Fiat 500')
                  SELECT * FROM models MATCH(name) AGAINST('Fiat')


                  How can I search for both strings and numbers in a column of a FULL TEXT table?



                  如果您需要 Fiat500 任何顺序无关紧要的地方,那么

                  If you need Fiat and 500 anywhere where order does not matter, then

                  SELECT * FROM models MATCH(name) AGAINST('+Fiat +500');

                  如果你需要Fiat 500一起,那么

                  SELECT * FROM models MATCH(name) AGAINST('+"Fiat 500"');

                  如果您需要 Fiat 和零个或多个 500,那么

                  If you need Fiat and zero or more 500, then

                  SELECT * FROM models MATCH(name) AGAINST('+Fiat 500');

                  如果您需要 500 和零个或多个 Fiat,那么

                  If you need 500 and zero or more Fiat, then

                  SELECT * FROM models MATCH(name) AGAINST('Fiat +500');



                  Here are the default settings for FULLTEXT searching

                  mysql> show variables like 'ft%';
                  | Variable_name            | Value          |
                  | ft_boolean_syntax        | + -><()~*:""&| |
                  | ft_max_word_len          | 84             |
                  | ft_min_word_len          | 4              |
                  | ft_query_expansion_limit | 20             |
                  | ft_stopword_file         | (built-in)     |
                  5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

                  请注意ft_min_word_len 默认为 4.令牌 500 的长度为 3.因此它根本不会被索引.您必须做三 (3) 件事:

                  Notice that ft_min_word_len is 4 by default. The token 500 is length 3. thus it will not be indexed at all. You will have to do three(3) things:


                  ft_min_word_len = 1

                  步骤 02:重启 mysql

                  service mysql restart

                  第 03 步:重新索引 models 表中的所有索引

                  您可以删除并添加 FULLTEXT 索引

                  STEP 03 : Reindex all indexes in the models table

                  You could just drop and add the FULLTEXT index


                  or do it in stages and see how big it will get in advance

                  CREATE TABLE models_new LIKE models;
                  ALTER TABLE models_new DROP INDEX name;
                  ALTER TABLE models_new ADD FULLTEXT name (name);
                  ALTER TABLE models_new DISABLE KEYS;
                  INSERT INTO models_new SELECT * FROM models;
                  ALTER TABLE models_new ENABLE KEYS;
                  ALTER TABLE models RENAME models_old;
                  ALTER TABLE models_new RENAME models;


                  When you are satisfied this worked, then run

                  DROP TABLE models_old;


                  这篇关于Mysql 使用 MATCH() AGAINST() 搜索字符串和数字的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:B 树索引如何在 mysql 中工作 下一篇:如何在 MYSQL 中重置停用词?


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