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                1. 本文介绍了设置变量结果,来自查询的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  When I create the saved procedure, i can create some variable yes? for example:

                  CREATE PROCEDURE `some_proc` ()  
                     DECLARE some_var INT; 
                     SET some_var = 3;


                  QUESTION: but how to set variable result from the query, that is how to make some like this:

                  DECLARE some_var INT;
                  SET some_var = SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable ;




                  There are multiple ways to do this.


                  SET @some_var = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable);


                  (like your original, just add parenthesis around the query)

                  或使用 SELECT INTO 语法来分配多个值:

                  or use the SELECT INTO syntax to assign multiple values:

                  SELECT COUNT(*), MAX(col)
                  INTO   @some_var, @some_other_var
                  FROM   tab;

                  子查询语法稍快(我不知道为什么),但只能分配一个值.select into 语法允许您一次设置多个值,因此如果您需要从查询中获取多个值,您应该这样做,而不是为每个变量一次又一次地执行查询.

                  The sub query syntax is slightly faster (I don't know why) but only works to assign a single value. The select into syntax allows you to set multiple values at once, so if you need to grab multiple values from the query you should do that rather than execute the query again and again for each variable.

                  最后,如果您的查询返回的不是单行而是结果集,您可以使用 光标.

                  Finally, if your query returns not a single row but a result set, you can use a cursor.


                  上一篇:什么是动态 SQL? 下一篇:如何使用 MyBatis 将 Java 对象列表传递给 Oracle 存储过程?


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