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      MySQL - 如何按相关性排序?INNODB 表

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                本文介绍了MySQL - 如何按相关性排序?INNODB 表的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我在一个名为cards"的 INNODB 表中有大约 20,000 行,所以 FULLTEXT 不是一个选项.

                I've got about 20,000 rows in an INNODB table called 'cards', so FULLTEXT is not an option.


                id     |     name     |     description
                1        John Smith       Just some dude
                2        Ted Johnson      Another dude
                3        Johnathan Todd   This guy too
                4        Susan Smith      Her too
                5        Sam John Bond    And him
                6        John Smith       Same guy as num 1, another record
                7        John Adams       Last guy, promise


                So, say the user searches for 'John', I want the result set to be in the order of:

                7        John Adams
                6        John Smith
                3        Johnathan Todd
                5        Sam John Bond
                2        Ted Johnson

                请注意,我们只提取了一次John Smith",我们选取了他最近的条目.由于我的数据,所有的名字都是同一个人的,不用担心有两个不同的人叫约翰史密斯.想法?如果我能澄清任何事情,请告诉我.

                Please note that we've only pulled 'John Smith' once, we took his most recent entry. Due to my data, all names are for the same exact person, no need to worry about 2 different guys named John Smith. Ideas? Let me know if I can clarify anything.


                version 1:

                SELECT max(id) id, name
                  FROM cards
                 WHERE name like '%John%'
                 GROUP BY name
                 ORDER BY CASE WHEN name like 'John %' THEN 0
                               WHEN name like 'John%' THEN 1
                               WHEN name like '% John%' THEN 2
                               ELSE 3
                          END, name

                版本 2:

                SELECT max(id) id, name
                  FROM cards
                 WHERE name like '%John%'
                 GROUP BY name
                 ORDER BY CASE WHEN name like 'John%' THEN 0
                               WHEN name like '% %John% %' THEN 1
                               WHEN name like '%John' THEN 2
                               ELSE 3
                          END, name

                这篇关于MySQL - 如何按相关性排序?INNODB 表的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                上一篇:MySQL 中不区分重音的搜索查询 下一篇:VARCHAR 作为数据库中的外键/主键好还是坏?


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