I've searched and searched and can't find an answer to this question, I'm probably asking it in the wrong way.
I am querying an employee database.
我需要根据职位 id 获取详细信息,但是该职位 id 可能有多个记录,因为该组织有长期雇员和临时雇员反对同一职位.
I need to get details based on a position id, however there could be multiple records for that position id as this organisation has permanent employees and temporary employees that act against the same position.
因此,为了获得位置 id 的 CURRENT 占用者,我需要我的查询从顶部向下选择与位置字符串匹配的第一个记录.
So, in order to get the CURRENT occupant of the position id, I need my query to SELECT the FIRST record that matches the position string, from the TOP DOWN.
will this select the first matched record from the top?
您需要一个 ORDER BY
子句来定义表中各个记录之间的顺序.如果不使用 ORDER BY
You need an ORDER BY
clause to define the ordering between the individual records your table. If you do not use ORDER BY
you can assume no fixed order between the records, and you could get a new order each time you executed the query.