Google Cloud SQL 宣称,对于最小的机器类型,每小时只需 0.0150 美元,而且我要按每小时收费,而不仅仅是我连接的小时数.这是因为我在使用游泳池吗?如何设置我的后端,使其仅在需要时查询云数据库,这样我就不会按一天中的每个小时收费?
Google Cloud SQL advertises that it's only $0.0150 per hour for the smallest machine type, and I'm being charged for every hour, not just hours that I'm connected. Is this because I'm using a pool? How do I setup my backend so that it queries the cloud db only when needed so I don't get charged for every hour of the day?
这与其说是关于池,不如说是关于 Cloud SQL 的性质.与 App Engine 不同,Cloud SQL 实例始终启动.在我离开项目一周后的一个星期六早上,我艰难地了解到了这一点.:)
This is not so much about the pool as it is about the nature of Cloud SQL. Unlike App Engine, Cloud SQL instances are always up. I learned this the hard way one Saturday morning when I'd been away from the project for a week. :)
There's no way to spin them down when they're not being used, unless you explicitly go stop the service.
无法安排服务停止,至少在 GCP SDK 中是这样.您总是可以编写一个 cron 作业,或类似的东西,在例如当地时间下午 6 点,M-F 运行一些 gcloud sql instances patch [INSTANCE_NAME] --activation-policy NEVER
There's no way to schedule a service stop, at least within the GCP SDK. You could alway write a cron job, or something like that, that runs a little gcloud sql instances patch [INSTANCE_NAME] --activation-policy NEVER
command at, for example, 6pm local time, M-F. I was too lazy to do that, so I just set a calendar reminder for myself to shut down my instance at the end of my workday.
这是当前 SDK 文档的 MySQL 实例启动/停止/重启页面:https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/mysql/start-stop-restart-instance
Here's the MySQL Instance start/stop/restart page for the current SDK's docs: https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/mysql/start-stop-restart-instance
另外请注意,GCP 平台中有一个正在进行的功能请求"以启动/也根据流量停止 Cloud SQL(第 2 代).您还可以访问链接并在那里提供您宝贵的建议/意见.
On an additional note, there is an ongoing 'Feature Request' in the GCP Platform to start/stop the Cloud SQL (2nd Gen), according to the traffic as well. You can also visit the link and provide your valuable suggestions/comments there as well.
这篇关于如何仅在需要时运行 Google Cloud SQL?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!