在我的 sqldevelopers SQL 控制台中执行时工作正常.
works fine when executed in my sqldevelopers SQL console.
However, it does not work, when having exactly the same statement within a procedure. Compilation fails with
Any ideas? Is there something like a scope to be considered?
Any suggestions are highly appreciated, thanks in advance :)
您可能需要对拥有该过程的用户执行 DBA_JOBS_RUNNING 的直接 GRANT.通过角色进行 GRANT 是行不通的.... 授权需要是明确的.
You probably need to do a direct GRANT of DBA_JOBS_RUNNING to the user that owns the procedure. Doing a GRANT via a role won't work.... the grant needs to be explicit.
在过程中执行 SELECT 与从过程外部(例如在 SQL-Developer 中)执行 SELECT 所需的权限略有不同.拥有过程的用户必须已明确授予对表或视图的权限...如果从视图外部运行查询,则情况并非如此(例如,您可以通过角色授予权限)
Doing a SELECT from within a procedure requires subtly different permissions to doing a SELECT from outside a procedure (e.g. in SQL-Developer). The user that owns a procedure must have been explicitly granted rights to the table or view... if running a query from outside a view this is not the case (you can be granted the permission through a role for example)
您需要以 SYS 身份连接并继续:
You need to connect as SYS and go: