我有一个具有应用程序角色的数据库.角色成员都属于 Active Directory 中的一个组.我没有授予角色从表中选择的权限,而是授予了角色对其需要调用的所有存储过程的执行权限.
I have a database which has an application role. The role members all belong to a group in Active Directory. Instead of giving the role permissions to select from the tables I have given the role execute permissions on all of the stored procedures that it needs to call.
除了我的一个存储过程正在构建一些动态 SQL 并调用 sp_executesql 之外,这一切正常.
This works fine except for one of my stored procedures which is building up some dynamic SQL and calling sp_executesql.
动态 sql 看起来像这样:
The dynamic sql looks sort of like this:
The users in this role are failing to call the stored procedure. It gives the following error which is sort of expected I suppose:
对象uvView1"、数据库Foobar"、架构dbo"的 SELECT 权限被拒绝.
有没有办法让我的用户成功执行这个过程,而无需为动态 SQL 中的所有视图授予角色权限?
Is there a way I can have my users successfully execute this proc without giving the role permissions to all of the views in the dynamic SQL?
向过程中添加 EXECUTE AS CALLER 子句,然后对存储过程进行签名并为 签名 提供所需的权限.这是 100% 安全、可靠和防弹的.请参阅使用证书签署程序.
Add an EXECUTE AS CALLER clause to the procedure, then sign the stored procedure and give the required permission to the signature. This is 100% safe, secure and bullet proof. See Signing Procedures with Certificates.
这篇关于使用动态 SQL 对存储过程的 SQL Server 权限的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!