如何有效地为表中的两个字段创建唯一索引,如下所示:create table t(a integer, b integer);
How can I efficiently create a unique index on two fields in a table like this: create table t (a integer, b integer);
where any unique combination of two different numbers cannot appear more than once on the same row in the table.
换句话说,如果一行存在使得 a=1 和 b=2,则在 a=2 和 b=1 或 a=1 和 b=2 的情况下不能存在另一行.换句话说,两个数字不能以任何顺序同时出现超过一次.
In order words if a row exists such that a=1 and b=2, another row cannot exist where a=2 and b=1 or a=1 and b=2. In other words two numbers cannot appear together more than once in any order.
I have no idea what such a constraint is called, hence the 'two-sided unique index' name in the title.
更新:如果我在 (a,b) 列上有一个复合键,并且数据库中存在一行 (1,2),则可以插入另一行 (2,1) 没有错误.我正在寻找一种方法来防止同一对数字被多次使用以任何顺序...
Update: If I have a composite key on columns (a,b), and a row (1,2) exists in the database, it is possible to insert another row (2,1) without an error. What I'm looking for is a way to prevent the same pair of numbers from being used more than once in any order...
How about controlling what goes into the table so that you always store the smallest number into the first column and the largest one in the second? As long as it 'means' the same thing of course. It's probably less expensive to do it before it even gets to the database.
If this is impossible, you could save the fields as is but have them duplicated in numerical order into two OTHER fields, on which you would create the primary key (pseudo code-ish) :
这可以通过触发器轻松完成(如 Ronald 的响应)或在应用程序中的更高层处理.
This could easily be done with a trigger (as in Ronald's response) or handled higher up, in the application.