我多次加入一个表,每次,我都根据其中一列的 SUBSTRING 的结果加入(或过滤)(它是一个字符串,但用零填充左,并且我不在乎最后四位数字).因此,即使此列已编入索引并且我的查询将使用该索引,它也会执行表扫描,因为 SUBSTRING 本身未编入索引,因此 SQL Server 在加入之前必须为每一行计算它.
I'm joining to a table dozens of different times, and every time, I join (or filter) based on the results of a SUBSTRING of one of the columns (it's a string, but left-padded with zeros, and I don't care about the last four digits). As a result, even though this column is indexed and my query would use the index, it does a table scan because the SUBSTRING itself isn't indexed, so SQL Server has to calculate it for every row before as it's joining.
我正在寻找有关如何加快此过程的任何想法.目前,表上有一个视图(它是一个SELECT * FROM",只是为了给表一个友好的名称),我正在考虑向计算的视图添加一列,然后对其进行索引.不过,我愿意接受其他建议 - 有什么想法吗?
I'm looking for any ideas on how to speed up this process. Currently, there's a view on the table (It's a "SELECT * FROM", just to give the table a friendly name), and I'm considering adding a column to the view that's computed, and then indexing that. I'm open to other suggestions, though - any thoughts?
更多细节:我应该一开始就分享这个.该表从我们的计费系统接收复制,因此编辑基础表以添加计算列不是一种选择.任何计算列都必须添加到表的视图中.此外,前导零并不总是前导零 - 它们有时是我不感兴趣的其他数据.我想真正的问题是我如何加入 VARCHAR 列中间的数据,而还使用索引?全文搜索?"
MORE DETAIL: I should have shared this to begin with. The table receives replication from our billing system, so editing the underlying table to add a computed column is not an option. Any computed column would have to be added to the view on the table. Also, the leading zeros aren't always leading zeros - they're sometimes other data that I'm not interested in. I suppose the real question is "How can I join to data in the middle of a VARCHAR column while also making use of an index? Full-text Search?"
Clarifying my example I'm simplifying, but essentially, let's say I'm trying to look up values in a column with the following values:
我对 SUBSTRING(7,5)="12345" 的行感兴趣,所以我想要第 1-4 行,而不是第 5 行.我的提议是在我的SELECT *"中添加一列" 包含此子字符串的视图,然后基于它进行索引.这更有意义吗?
I'm interested in rows where SUBSTRING(7,5)="12345", so I'd want rows 1-4, but not row 5. What I'm proposing is adding a column to my "SELECT *" view that has this substring in it, and then indexing based on that. Does that make more sense?
Assuming you have your fields in this format:
, you can do the following:
ndata AS RIGHT(REVERSE(data), LEN(data) - 4)
This will transform your columns into the following:
Create an index on that column
发出此查询以搜索字符串 Data
Issue this query to search for the string Data
The first condition will use an index for coarse filtering.
The second will make sure that all leading characters (that became the trailing characters in the computed column) are nothing but zeros.
See this entry in my blog for performance detail:
SQL Server
SQL Server
: leading wildcard match using an index
If you just want an index on SUBSTRING
without changing your schema, creating a view is an option.
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