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        SQL Server 存储过程返回码奇怪


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                  本文介绍了SQL Server 存储过程返回码奇怪的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  调用此代码的客户端受到限制,只能处理来自存储过程的返回代码.因此,我们将通常的合约修改为 RETURN -1 出错,default 修改为 RETURN 0 如果没有错误

                  The client that calls this code is restricted and can only deal with return codes from stored procs. So, we modified our usual contract to RETURN -1 on error and default to RETURN 0 if no error

                  如果代码命中内部 catch 块,则返回代码默认为 -4 而不是 0

                  If the code hits the inner catch block, then the RETURN code default is -4 rather then 0


                  Does anyone know where this comes from please? With reference


                  IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.foo') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.foo
                  CREATE TABLE dbo.foo (
                      KeyCol  char(12) NOT NULL,
                      ValueCol xml NOT NULL,
                      Comment varchar(1000) NULL,
                      CONSTRAINT PK_foo PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (KeyCol)
                  IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.bar') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE dbo.bar
                  CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.bar
                      @Key char(12),
                      @Value xml,
                      @Comment varchar(1000)
                  SET NOCOUNT ON
                  DECLARE @StartTranCount tinyint;
                  BEGIN TRY
                      SELECT @StartTranCount = @@TRANCOUNT;
                      IF @StartTranCount = 0 BEGIN TRAN;
                      BEGIN TRY
                          --SELECT @StartTranCount = 'fish' --generates an error and goes to outer CATCH
                          INSERT dbo.foo (KeyCol, ValueCol, Comment) VALUES (@Key, @Value, @Comment);
                      END TRY
                      BEGIN CATCH
                          IF ERROR_NUMBER() = 2627    --PK violation
                                  ValueCol = @Value, Comment = @Comment
                                  KeyCol = @Key;
                              RAISERROR ('Tits up', 16, 1);
                      END CATCH
                      IF @StartTranCount = 0 COMMIT TRAN;
                  END TRY
                  BEGIN CATCH
                      IF @StartTranCount = 0 AND XACT_STATE() <> 0 ROLLBACK TRAN;
                      RETURN -1
                  END CATCH
                  --Without this, we'll send -4 if we hit the UPDATE CATCH block above
                  --RETURN 0
                  --please run these **separately**
                  --Run with RETURN 0 and fish line commented out
                  DECLARE @rtn int
                  EXEC @rtn = dbo.bar 'abcdefghijkl', '<foobar />', 'testing'
                  SELECT @rtn; SELECT * FROM dbo.foo
                  DECLARE @rtn int
                  EXEC @rtn = dbo.bar 'abcdefghijkl', '<foobar2 />', 'testing2'
                  --updated OK but we get @rtn = -4
                  SELECT @rtn; SELECT * FROM dbo.foo
                  --uncomment fish line
                  DECLARE @rtn int
                  EXEC @rtn = dbo.bar 'abcdefghijkl', '<foobar />', 'testing'
                  --Hit outer CATCH, @rtn = -1 as expected
                  SELECT @rtn; SELECT * FROM dbo.foo


                  在玩弄这个过程时,如果我在 foo.KeyCol 中插入一个 null 并删除内部 catch 中的 RAISERROR,我可以得到一个返回值 -6.这是 SQL Server 正在做的事情,并记录在此处:Return Values from Stored Procedures.

                  In playing around with the procedure, I can get a a return -6, if I insert a null into foo.KeyCol and remove the RAISERROR in the inner catch. This is something SQL Server is doing, and is documented here: Return Values from Stored Procedures.

                  这篇关于SQL Server 存储过程返回码奇怪的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:如何声明弱类型 SYS_REFCURSOR 变量的 %ROWTYPE? 下一篇:如何在 SQL Server 程序/触发器中查找文本?


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