我在存储过程(SQL-Server)中使用视图.为了提高性能,我尝试创建该视图的 INDEX.
I am using Views in my stored Procedure(SQL-Server). For Improving Performance, I have tried to created INDEX of that View.
Here I am getting the Error like
消息 1939,级别 16,状态 1,第 1 行无法在视图VW_FML"上创建索引,因为该视图未绑定架构.
Msg 1939, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Cannot create index on view 'VW_FML' because the view is not schema bound.
我们可以在 SQL Server 中为视图创建索引吗?
Can we created Index for View in SQL Server ?
索引视图有很多限制:没有子查询、没有联合、没有外连接等.参见 这篇文章 了解更多详情.但对于您的情况,您只需要创建具有架构绑定的视图.
There are a number of restrictions on indexed views: no subqueries, no unions, no outer joins, etc. See this article for more details. But for your case, you simply need to create the view with schema binding.