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        mysql 层次结构自加入,检索所有子类别


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                • 本文介绍了mysql 层次结构自加入,检索所有子类别的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我有包含以下列的表 categories:

                  I have table categories that contains following columns:


                  我需要获取给定主类别的所有级别的所有子类别的列表,因此,例如,如果我给出某些 3 级类别的 ID,我将返回所有 4、5、6 级......类别的列表是那个 lvl 3 类别的孩子.

                  I need to get list of all subcategories on all levels for a given main category, so if for example I give id of some lvl 3 category I would get back list of all lvl 4, 5, 6... categories that are children of that one lvl 3 category.


                  No hierarchy needs to be preserved, just a simple list.


                  I first thought about just doing it with several joins and subqueries but than I figured categories will bee much deeper afterwards so that's not a way to go.

                  由于我刚刚开始使用 SQL,我仍然不知道如何编写递归查询,所以这将是一个很好的帮助和学习材料.

                  Since I've just started SQL I still don't know how to write recursive queries so this would be a great help and learning material.



                  Read Please Note at bottom first. Ok good, you are back.


                  Creation of a Stored Procedure for recursive-like hierarchy retrieval.


                  Note, you didn't want it by levels but that can easily be done.

                  create table category
                  (   category_id int not null auto_increment primary key,
                      category_name varchar(40) not null,
                      parent_id int null,  -- index on this column not a shabby idea
                      unique key (category_name)
                  insert category(category_name,parent_id) values ('car',null),('food',null); -- 1,2
                  insert category(category_name,parent_id) values ('ford',1),('chevy',1),('fruit',2); -- 3,4,5
                  insert category(category_name,parent_id) values ('economy',3),('escort',6),('exhaust',7); -- 6,7,8
                  insert category(category_name,parent_id) values ('chassis',7),('loud',8),('banana',5); -- 9,10,11
                  -- ok granted I could have explicity inserted category_id to make it more obvious


                  -- drop procedure showHierarchyBelow;
                  delimiter $$
                  create procedure showHierarchyBelow
                  catname varchar(40)
                      -- deleteMe parameter means i am anywhere in hierarchy of role
                      -- and i want me and all my offspring deleted (no orphaning of children or theirs)
                      declare bDoneYet boolean default false;
                      declare working_on int;
                      declare theCount int;
                      declare findFirst int;
                      select ifnull(category_id,0) into findFirst from category where category_name=catname;
                      CREATE TABLE xx_RecursishHelper_xx
                      (   -- it's recurshish, not recursive
                          category_id int not null,
                          processed int not null
                      if isnull(findFirst) then
                          set findFirst=0;
                      end if;
                      insert into xx_RecursishHelper_xx (category_id,processed) select findFirst,0;
                      if (findFirst=0) then
                          set bDoneYet=true;
                          set bDoneYet=false;
                      end if;
                      while (!bDoneYet) do
                          -- I am not proud of this next line, but oh well
                          select count(*) into theCount from xx_RecursishHelper_xx where processed=0;
                          if (theCount=0) then 
                              -- found em all
                              set bDoneYet=true;
                              -- one not processed yet, insert its children for processing
                              SELECT category_id INTO working_on FROM xx_RecursishHelper_xx where processed=0 limit 1;
                              insert into xx_RecursishHelper_xx (category_id,processed)
                              select category_id,0 from category
                              where parent_id=working_on;
                              -- mark the one we "processed for children" as processed
                              update xx_RecursishHelper_xx set processed=1 where category_id=working_on;
                          end if;
                      end while;
                      delete from xx_RecursishHelper_xx where category_id=findFirst;
                      select x.category_id,c.category_name
                      from xx_RecursishHelper_xx x
                      join category c
                      on c.category_id=x.category_id;
                      drop table xx_RecursishHelper_xx;


                  call showHierarchyBelow('food');
                  | category_id | category_name |
                  |           5 | fruit         |
                  |          11 | banana        |
                  call showHierarchyBelow('car');
                  | category_id | category_name |
                  |           3 | ford          |
                  |           4 | chevy         |
                  |           6 | economy       |
                  |           7 | escort        |
                  |           8 | exhaust       |
                  |           9 | chassis       |
                  |          10 | loud          |
                  call showHierarchyBelow('ford');
                  | category_id | category_name |
                  |           6 | economy       |
                  |           7 | escort        |
                  |           8 | exhaust       |
                  |           9 | chassis       |
                  |          10 | loud          |
                  call showHierarchyBelow('xxx');
                  -- no rows


                  Note I merely modified this Answer of mine from a few months ago for your needs.

                  以上仅用于说明目的.在现实世界中,我永远不会在存储过程中创建表.DDL 开销很大.相反,我会使用具有会话概念的预先存在的非临时表.并将其从已完成会话的行中清除.所以不要把上面的东西当作稻草人,等着你让它变得更好.询问这是否令人困惑.

                  The above is for illustrative purposes only. In a real world situation, I would never do create tables in a stored proc. The DDL overhead is significant. Instead, I would use pre-existing non temp tables with a session concept. And clean it out of rows for the session done. So do not take the above as any more than a straw man, waiting for you to make it more performant as such. Ask if that is confusing.

                  这篇关于mysql 层次结构自加入,检索所有子类别的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:如何递归查找孩子的所有ID? 下一篇:为孩子获取所有父母


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