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        Delphi - 防止 SQL 注入


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                • 本文介绍了Delphi - 防止 SQL 注入的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我需要保护应用程序免受 SQL 注入.应用程序正在连接到 Oracle,使用 ADO,并搜索用户名和密码进行身份验证.

                  I need to protect an application from SQL injection. Application is connecting to Oracle, using ADO, and search for the username and password to make the authentication.

                  从我到现在为止所读到的,最好的方法是使用参数,而不是将整个 SQL 分配为字符串.像这样:

                  From what I've read until now, the best approach is by using parameters, not assigning the entire SQL as string. Something like this:

                  query.SQL.Text := 'select * from table_name where name=:Name and id=:ID'; 
                  query.ParamByName( 'Name' ).AsString := name; 
                  query.ParamByName( 'ID' ).AsInteger := id; 

                  此外,我正在考虑验证用户的输入,并删除 SQL 关键字,如删除、插入、选择等...任何与普通 ASCII 字母和数字不同的输入字符都将被删除.

                  Also, I'm thinking to verify the input from user, and to delete SQL keywords like delete,insert,select,etc...Any input character different than normal ASCII letters and numbers will be deleted.


                  This will assure me a minimum of security level?

                  除了 Delphi 7 标准和 Jedi 之外,我不想使用任何其他组件.

                  I do not want to use any other components than Delphi 7 standard and Jedi.



                  query.SQL.Text := 'select * from table_name where name=:Name';

                  参数对于 SQL 注入始终是安全的.

                  This code is safe because you are using parameters.
                  Parameters are always safe from SQL-injection.


                  var Username: string;
                  query.SQL.Text := 'select * from table_name where name='+ UserName;

                  不安全,因为用户名可能是 name;删除 table_name;导致执行以下查询.

                  Is unsafe because Username could be name; Drop table_name; Resulting in the following query being executed.

                  select * from table_name where name=name; Drop table_name;


                  var Username: string;
                  query.SQL.Text := 'select * from table_name where name='''+ UserName+'''';

                  因为如果用户名是 ' 或 (1=1);删除表名;--它将导致以下查询:

                  Because it if username is ' or (1=1); Drop Table_name; -- It will result in the following query:

                  select * from table_name where name='' or (1=1); Drop Table_name; -- '


                  var id: integer;
                  query.SQL.Text := 'select * from table_name where id='+IntToStr(id);

                  因为 IntToStr() 只接受整数,所以不能通过这种方式将 SQL 代码注入到查询字符串中,只有数字 (这正是你想要的,因此被允许)

                  Because IntToStr() will only accept integers so no SQL code can be injected into the query string this way, only numbers (which is exactly what you want and thus allowed)



                  Parameters can only be used for values. They cannot replace field names or table names. So if you want to execute this query

                  query:= 'SELECT * FROM :dynamic_table '; {doesn't work}
                  query:= 'SELECT * FROM '+tableName;      {works, but is unsafe}


                  The first query fails because you cannot use parameters for table or field names.
                  The second query is unsafe but is the only way this this can be done.
                  How to you stay safe?

                  您必须对照已批准的名称列表检查字符串 tablename.

                  You have to check the string tablename against a list of approved names.

                    ApprovedTables: array[0..1] of string = ('table1','table2');
                  procedure DoQuery(tablename: string);
                    i: integer;
                    Approved: boolean;
                    query: string;
                    Approved:= false;
                    for i:= lo(ApprovedTables) to hi(ApprovedTables) do begin
                      Approved:= Approved or (lowercase(tablename) = ApprovedTables[i]);
                    end; {for i}
                    if not Approved then exit;
                    query:= 'SELECT * FROM '+tablename;


                  That's the only way to do this, that I know of.


                  query.SQL.Text := 'select * from table_name where name=:Name where id=:ID'; 


                  query.SQL.Text := 'select * from table_name where name=:Name and id=:ID'; 


                  You cannot have two where's in one (sub)query

                  这篇关于Delphi - 防止 SQL 注入的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:在没有 node.js 的 javascript 服务器端连接到 MySQL 下一篇:Hive 2.1.1 MetaException(消息:在 Metastore 中找不到版本信息.)


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