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                  我想仅使用 MySQL 获取树中子项的所有 ID.

                  I would like to get all IDs from children in a tree with MySQL only.


                  ID parent_id name
                  1  0         cat1
                  2  1         subcat1
                  3  2         sub-subcat1
                  4  2         sub-subcat2
                  5  0         cat2

                  现在我正在尝试递归获取 cat1 (2,3,4) 的所有子 ID.有什么方法可以实现吗?

                  Now I'm trying to get all child IDs for cat1 (2,3,4) recursively. Is there any way how to achieve that?


                  有两种基本方法可以做到这一点:邻接列表和嵌套列表.看看在 MySQL 中管理分层数据.

                  There are two basic methods for doing this: adjacency lists and nested lists. Take a look at Managing Hierarchical Data in MySQL.

                  你拥有的是一个邻接表.不,没有一种方法可以使用单个 SQL 语句递归地获取所有后代.如果可能,只需将它们全部抓取并在代码中全部映射.

                  What you have is an adjacency list. No there isn't a way of recursively grabbing all descendants with a single SQL statement. If possible, just grab them all and map them all in code.


                  Nested sets can do what you want but I tend to avoid it because the cost of inserting a record is high and it's error-prone.


                  上一篇:MySQL - 递归树结构 下一篇:mysql 层次结构自加入,检索所有子类别


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